Why did you decide to join the national Fitness challenge? To put it simply, I joined because I was asked to join the challenge by a fellow Missouri NFB member. What motivated you during the challenge? I was motivated by friendly compettition and by the knowledge that I was burning a lot of calories. What new knowledge did you gain about fitness while participating? I learned that you don't have to join a gym and that walking provides many health benefits. What did you learn about yourself during the challenge? I learned that even though I have a very busy schedule, I can make time to live a fit lifestyle. How has the National Fitness Challenge impacted you? Before the National Fitness Challenge, I looked forward to taking naps during weekends. Although I still make time for quick naps, I now look forward to getting in some more steps. I also realized, by walking around the neighborhood, that my cane travel skills had become a bit rusty. The National Fitness Challenge allowed me to realearn many O&M lessons.