[NFBMT-Parents] Please Read: Important Changes in Convention Plans for the NFB of Montana
rjaquiss at earthlink.net
rjaquiss at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 13 16:55:38 UTC 2024
Well, folks, we've had quite the change of plans for the 2024 Convention of
the NFB of Montana. Please read the following carefully. It's a long read,
but worth it.
The Broadway Inn, which we will continue to use for sleeping rooms, notified
the NFB of Montana that their single conference room we intended to use for
our Convention is under construction and will no longer be available to us
at Convention time. Therefore, we made the following changes to our
. The Convention and the social hosted by George and Gail Kerscher will
occur on Saturday, September 28, 2024. Our convention is now a one-day
event with no programming taking place on Friday, September 27 as previously
planned. The Convention Agenda is below. We start at 9:30 AM on Saturday.
. We moved our Convention to a new location. The Convention will be at
BASE, the youths with disabilities program building located here:
725 W Alder Street, suite number 4.
Missoula, MT 59801
. We cancelled our banquet and instead will hold a the social gathering
hosted by the Kerschers.
. Lunch --- sandwiches, chips, and beverages --- will be provided at BASE.
Our keynote speaker, Norma Crosby, will address us during lunchtime.
. The registration fee for in-person Convention participants is now $10.00
per person. Virtual registration fees remain $10.00 per person. The NFB of
Montana will reimburse the difference to those who paid $40.00. Reduced
Convention expenses allowed this price reduction.
. The Convention starts at 9:30 on Saturday, September 28. The later start
time permits some travelers to make the trip in a single day.
Now, here is our Convention agenda and other information regarding our
National Federation of the Blind of Montana
2024 State Convention
Saturday, September 28, 2024
12th Annual NFB of Montana Convention
725 W Alder Street, suite number 4.
Missoula, MT 59801
(Directions to BASE follow at the end of this agenda.)
To register, please complete the form located at this link:
<http://www.nfbofmt.org/convention> www.nfbofmt.org/convention
Virtual Option.
The NFB of Montana offers a virtual option to attend the Convention. To get
the Zoom link and telephone numbers for the Convention, please register at
<http://www.nfbofmt.org> www.nfbofmt.org/convention. We will e-mail the
Zoom instructions to registered participants.
NFB President Mark Riccobono's Representative to Our Convention: NFB
Treasurer and NFB of Texas President Norma Crosby
Convention Planning Committee Chairperson: Samantha Chase
NFB of Montana President:
Jim Marks
<mailto:president at nfbofmt.org> president at nfbofmt.org
Saturday, September 28
9:30 AM-12:00 PM:
Call to Order and Welcome: President Jim Marks
Introduction of the NFB-MT Board of Directors: President Jim Marks, First
Vice-President Joy Breslauer, Second Vice-President Sheila Leigland,
Secretary Robert Jaquiss, Treasurer Rick White, and Board. Members Jim
Aldrich, Samantha Chase, Jacob Krissovich and Denise Moses.
Introduction of Participants In-Person and Online.
NFB President's Report: Norma Crosby
Minutes of 2022 Convention: Robert Jaquiss
Treasurer Report: Rick White
NFB-MT President Report: Jim Marks
Resolutions: Jacob Krissovich, Resolutions Committee Chair
Elections: Jacob Krissovich, Nominations Committee Chair
Appointment of Delegate and Alternate Delegate to 2023 Washington Seminar:
Jim Marks
Chapter and Committee Reports: Great Falls Chapter President Sheila
Leigland, Treasure State Chapter President Joy Breslauer, Missoula Chapter
President Reggie Herbert, Helena Chapter President Jacob Krissovich, and
Committee Reports by Committee
Chairpersons as Time Allows
12:00-1:00 PM:
Lunch provided to those attending in-person. Zoom will be open through
12:30 Keynote Address: Norma Crosby
1:00-2:15 PM:
Technology Demonstrations and Discussions: George Kerscher and Reggie
2:15-2:30 PM
"Cultural Access: Audio Description for Independent Theatre and Arts
Accessibility Advocacy with Reggie Herbert from A Quantum Dream.
2:30-2:45 PM:
Blind and Low Vision Services Update: Julie Ochoa, Blind and Low Vision
Services Counselor and Supervisor from Missoula.
2:45-3:0 PM:
Montana Talking Book Library Update: Marilyn Bennett, Regional Librarian
Montana Talking Book Library
3:00-3:15 PM: Break
3:15-3:45 PM:
The NFB of Montana Supporting Blind Children and their Families Receiving
Individual Education Plans under the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act: Reggie Herbert and Jacob Krissovich.
3:45-4:15 PM
Older Blind Services in Montana and the Nation: NFB Senior Division
President Glenn Crosby, Norma Crosby and Jim Marks
4:15-4:45 PM
What's Happening with the Montana Business Enterprise Program: Lyle
Schmautz and Rick White
4:45-5:00 PM
Spirit of the Stairs, the topics one remembers when leaving the building
that one wishes had been discussed: President Jim Marks
Where to hold next years NFB of Montana Convention
Social gathering hosted by George and Gail Kerscher.
George and Gail Kerscher are hosting a social event at their home. Usually
our banquet occurs at this time, but due to construction of the Broadway
Inn's meeting room, the Kerscher's social replaces the Banquet this year.
Please RSVP to George by September 20: kerscher at montana.com
<mailto:kerscher at montana.com>
When: Starting at 5:30 p.m.
Location: 1203 Pineview Drive.
What to expect: We plan to have a variety of Appetizers, IPA and light beer,
red and white wine, iced tea, and spindrift.
Driving directions: From downtown head East on Broadway and make a left
heading north on Van Buren. Van Buren becomes Rattlesnake Drive. Go two
miles on Rattlesnake Drive. Turn left heading west on Pineview Drive. We are
the last house on the first block directly across from the Rattlesnake
Elementary school.
Using the Mountain line: From the downtown transfer station, take route 5.
Ride up all the way and it will turn around in Lincolnwood. it is safer to
get off going back rather than crossing the Rattlesnake Drive. Get off at
the stop before the Rattlesnake Elementary school. Walk south a block and a
half and make a right on Pineview Drive. When you go past the chain-link
fence of the school, our house is across the street.
For additional information regarding the social, please call George Kerscher
at 406/544-2466.
NFB Pledge
I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality,
opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and
programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.
Directions to BASE
"BASE is located in the Warehouse Mall, located at 725 W. Alder St. BASE is
Suite #4. There is parking in front of the building. Please be aware that
these spaces face away from the building. There is additional parking across
the alley for the park next door.
Despite the name, the Warehouse Mall is a single building and not akin to a
shopping center. When facing southwest in the parking lot, you will be
facing the building. While there are several entrances on this side, the
main entrance is a modern metal and glass door on the ground level. The
other entrances require travel up a few steps. If you've travelled up some
stair to find the door, you're likely at the entrance to a separate business
located inside the Warehouse Mall. The entrance is on the same level as the
parking lot.
Once inside this door, there is a small vestibule, perhaps four or five
feet, before another door with a large, carved wooden pull handle. Once
inside, there are two pathways that continue forward. Slightly to the left
is a stairway upstairs. Please avoid the second floor as none of our
activities take place there. Instead, continue directly forward along the
boardwalk-style floor for around 20 feet. Be mindful of the approximately
six-inch drop-off on either side of this wide boardwalk style walkway.
At the end of this pathway, you will arrive at a T shaped junction. You may
encounter the wire-cage style pull-down fence that the business at the end
of this path has pulled down for the weekend. Turn to the right and continue
down this hallway perhaps 20 feet. You will pass Deep Tissue Massage and a
soda machine. You will also pass a hallway on the left that has the two
restrooms. Once you've found the end of this hallway, you are standing at
the door to BASE. The handle will have a piece of thin rubber hanging from
it to allow wheelchair users to ensure the door has closed.
BASE has a large open floorplan. Please use your cane while in the room, as
there are two support pillars in the room. There is a water cooler in the
room to keep your water container filled.
The WiFi password is base2015 .
There is a small park to the south side of the building that may be helpful
for those with service animals. When exiting BASE out the front door, turn
to the right and follow the edge of the building to the alley. Turn right
down the alley and travel for approximately 10 feet. The park will be on
your left. There is a dumpster at the end of the alley you should use after
cleaning up after your dog.
Jim Marks
National Federation of the Blind of Montana
<mailto:president at nfbofmt.org> president at nfbofmt.org
(406) 438-1421
<https://www.nfbofmt.org> https://www.nfbofmt.org
"The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back."
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