[Nfbmt] Fwd: Re: goodwill

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 23:36:16 UTC 2013


Now we have to convince Tester and Baucus to remove Sectin 511 from
WIA.  We need to work on this this month.

More later on that!

On 8/7/13, Sheila Leigland <sleigland at bresnan.net> wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Re: goodwill
> Date: 	Wed, 7 Aug 2013 11:23:56 -0700
> From: 	Jon Perri <jon at change.org>
> To: 	Sheila Leigland <sleigland at bresnan.net>
> I'll just paste the forbes article text into this email:
>   Does Goodwill Industries Exploit Disabled Workers?
> <http://b-i.forbesimg.com/susanadams/files/2013/07/Goodwill.jpg>
> A Goodwill worker in Sioux Falls, S.D.
> For Sheila Leigland, a blind Goodwill employee in Great Falls, Montana,
> earning $3.99 an hour was already tough. But when the Rockville,
> Md.-based nonprofit wanted to cut her salary to $2.75, she decided it
> was time to quit. “I want to be paid a living wage for meaningful work,”
> she says. Blind since birth, Leigland, 58, survives on disability
> payments. “It’s not just me—all Goodwill employees deserve the same.
> They call themselves leaders in providing opportunity for the disabled,
> but since when did opportunity look like a quarter an hour?”
> Leigland’s husband Harold, 66, a former massage therapist, also works at
> Goodwill, earning $5.40 an hour. No, that isn’t anywhere near the
> minimum wage.
> The plight of the Leiglands and of other low-paid Goodwill workers has
> gotten some attention lately, which has resulted in a petition on
> Change.org <http://www.change.org/goodwill> that has pulled in 150,000
> since late June. The petition calls on Goodwill to pay all its workers
> at least the minimum wage. “If you can afford multimillion dollar
> executive compensation packages,” says the petition, “You can afford to
> do right by your workers.”
> On June 21, NBC News ran a television piece
> <http://www.nbcnews.com/video/rock-center/52257275#52257275> on “Rock
> Center with Brian Williams.” Salon
> <http://www.salon.com/2013/06/21/goodwill_pays_workers_with_disabilities_as_little_as_22_cents_an_hour/>
> and
> the Huffington Post
> <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/21/goodwill-workers-disabilities-low-wage_n_3478013.html>
> also
> reported on the issue and several organizations including the National
> Federation of the Blind and a group called the Autistics Self Advocacy
> Network have called for changes at Goodwill. According to Labor
> Department documents dug up by NBC, Goodwill has paid workers in
> Pennsylvania as little as 22 cents, 38 cents and 41 cents an hour.
> (Goodwill says those ultra-low-wage figures are distorted because
> sometimes workers run into emotional or physical issues, don’t finish
> their shifts, and then wait for a parent or caregiver to arrive; in
> those cases Goodwill must still count the total amount of time the
> worker stays on the job, which translates to an abnormally low hourly wage.
> A provision in the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) of 1938 gives
> employers the right to pay people with disabilities below the minimum
> wage. At Goodwill, explains Leigland, disabled employees take a timed
> test to see how quickly they can sort and hang a rack of clothes. The
> garments must be facing to the left and the top buttons fastened and
> separated into men’s, women’s and children’s sections. Goodwill wants
> workers to be able to hang 100 garments with no errors in 32 minutes.
> “We can’t do it that quickly because we can’t look at a garment and see
> the size,” she says about her experience and her husband’s. Depending on
> how slow the employee works, Goodwill lowers the hourly wage.
> As for executives bringing home high salaries, Goodwill International
> CEO Jim Gibbons, earns a base salary of $434,252. Change.org claims that
> the salaries for top managers at 150 Goodwill locations across the
> country total more than $30 million. “If you can afford to pay six- and
> seven-figure salaries to your executives, you can afford to pay minimum
> wage to your employees,” says Autistic Self Advocacy Network president
> Ari Ne’eman in a statement.
> Goodwill has responded to the reports and the petition with two written
> statements, here
> <http://www.goodwill.org/meaningful-work-for-people-with-disabilities/> and
> here
> <http://www.goodwill.org/statement/special-message-from-goodwills-director-of-mission-strategy/>.
> According to Goodwill, the Change.org petition “paint[s] an inaccurate
> picture of Goodwill and the use by some Goodwill agencies of the U.S.
> Department of Labor’s Special Minimum Wage Certificate.” It’s not fair
> to take “isolated incidences” of low pay and imply that they are typical
> for Goodwill, says one of the statements. The average hourly wage for
> the roughly 7,000 Goodwill employees who are paid under the FLSA
> provision is $7.47, says Goodwill.  And that’s just 5%-7% of the
> organization’s workforce. An additional 25,000 disabled workers make an
> average annualized salary of $29,000, it says. Goodwill maintains that
> it’s not exploiting workers but rather giving them the opportunity to
> work, at a time when some 80% of people with disabilities in the U.S. do
> not.
> Labor groups and disabled Goodwill workers say the FLSA provision is a
> relic of an earlier time and Congress should change the law to require
> that all workers, including the disabled, are subject to the minimum wage.
> Goodwill is not alone in paying its disabled workers well below the
> minimum wage, according to an online NBC News report
> <http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/06/25/19062348-disabled-workers-paid-just-pennies-an-hour-and-its-legal?lite>,
> which explains that nonprofits that get special permission from the
> Labor Department to pay disabled people below the minimum wage are
> allowed to find below-minimum-wage jobs for those workers with other
> employers. Example: the Helen Keller National Center has placed blind
> and deaf workers at a Westbury, N.Y., Applebee’s franchise where they
> made between $3.97 and $5.96 an hour in 2010. The Center also got jobs
> for workers at a Barnes & Noble in Manhasset, N.Y., where they made
> between $3.80 and $4.85 an hour.
> In a statement to NBC News, the Labor Department said that the FLSA
> provision “provides workers with disabilities the opportunity to be
> given meaningful work and receive an income.”
> That may be true and Goodwill’s practices may be entirely legal, but I
> can only imagine how demeaning it would feel to earn $3.99 an hour.
> Especially an organization like Goodwill, where the mission, as one of
> its statement says, is “to eliminate barriers to opportunity and help
> people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power
> of work,” should take a hard look at its budget and come up with the
> funds to pay all of its 117,000 workers at least the minimum wage.
> That’s part of helping people live up to their potential.
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Sheila Leigland <sleigland at bresnan.net
> <mailto:sleigland at bresnan.net>> wrote:
>     hi john I'm trying to find the forbes article can you give me mor
>     instructions for where on the link to look for it? thanks in advance.
>     On 8/7/2013 10:53 AM, Jon Perri wrote:
>>     Hi Sheila,
>>     Thank you for this information! For some reason this went into my
>>     spam folder so I'm just seeing it now.
>>     The Forbes piece was great. Did you read it yet? Here is the link
>>     if you haven't:
>> http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2013/07/30/does-goodwill-industries-exploit-disabled-workers/
>>     I want to send an update to a bunch of the petition signers from
>>     you, that asks them to go to Goodwill's facebook page to post on
>>     it. I drafted something up that I hope you can read over and
>>     approve for us to send out. I've pasted it below. Can you read it
>>     and let me know if you're okay with us sending it?
>>     Name --
>>     After I told you about how Goodwill doesn't give disabled
>>     employees -- like me and my husband -- equal pay, you and more
>>     than 162,000 Change.org users signed my petition to Goodwill.
>>     They're under more pressure than ever to change this unfair
>>     policy, and they have been getting a lot of bad public attention.
>>     But Goodwill still hasn't changed their position on equal pay for
>>     all employees. That's why I'm asking you to join thousands of
>>     other signers to leave a message on Goodwill's Facebook wall to
>>     really keep up the pressure.
>>     Can you help me by copying and pasting one of the messages below
>>     on Goodwill's Facebook wall? Make sure to mention if you're a
>>     shopper or have a disability. Click here to post.
>> <https://www.facebook.com/GoodwillIntl?utm_source=social_media&utm_medium=facebook_main&utm_content=post&utm_campaign=en_usa_ej&utm_term=goodwill_goodwill-fb-page>
>>     "I've learned that some Goodwill stores pay disabled employees
>>     below minimum wage. Just because this is legal doesn't mean it's
>>     right. All Goodwill employees, regardless of disability, should be
>>     paid at least minimum wage. Until Goodwill changes this policy, I
>>     will not support you."
>>     "I'm one of more than 162,000 people calling on Goodwill stores to
>>     pay all of their disabled employees a fair wage. While it may be
>>     legal for Goodwill to pay disabled people below minimum wage, it
>>     doesn't mean it's right. Goodwill has an opportunity to stop this
>>     practice and until they do, I will no longer support you."
>>     Goodwill relies on its Facebook page to communicate directly with
>>     customers, and I'm confident that seeing a lot of posts from
>>     people like you will get the message across that paying disabled
>>     workers drastically lower wages is not only shameful but
>>     discriminatory.
>>     Thank you for your support. Together, I believe we can help
>>     Goodwill do the right thing.
>>     Sheila Leigland
>>     Great Falls, Montana
>>     On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Sheila Leigland
>>     <sleigland at bresnan.net <mailto:sleigland at bresnan.net>> wrote:
>>         hi I believe that goodwill is very concerned about the
>>         patition. I did quit instead of accepting two dollars and
>>         seventy five cents. The actual wage was three dollars and
>>         ninety nine cents per hour. I don't know where the three fifty
>>         came from.I was offered a job working as a greeter at the
>>         store which would have paid minimum wage but was told later
>>         that the job was never on the table. My vr conselor was
>>         shocked because he as his supervisor were lwed to believe that
>>         the job was a sure thing.in <http://thing.in> fact Harold knew
>>         about the offer before I did because the call to me from the
>>         job coach was made from the work site.Everyone there sent
>>         congratulations. Interesting isn't it.
>>     --
>>     Jonathan Perri
>>     Deputy Director, change.org <http://change.org>
>>     401.265.9445 <tel:401.265.9445>
>>     @changejustice
> --
> Jonathan Perri
> Deputy Director, change.org <http://change.org>
> 401.265.9445
> @changejustice
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Dan Burke
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Twitter:  @DallDonal

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