[Nfbmt] A Crisis of Public Transportation in Montana... and its real impact on NFB of Montana's upcoming state convention

Rik James montanarikster at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 20:20:46 UTC 2013

First, this stunning revelation as brought to our attention. Thanks, Joy, and others.
Montana and North Dakota Intercity Bus Status


Dear NFB of Montana members and officers.

I have just now been reading the posts on the discussion list about the loss of bus transportation between our cities here in Montana.

I feel that this is quite a crisis. Of course it is for some, more of a crisis than for others. But if even one of those wishing to attend the state convention, or for any other type of travel needs, this issue will hardly be noticed, by anyone other than those who are affected, unless it gets more in the press.  And the way it gets in the press if its impact can be demonstrated in real terms.  I have the opinion that more and more of these type of circumstances are very likely to occur, leaving many without means to be at an ever worse disadvantage.

So, then, what?
What is it that we can do besides try and change things by complaining? Probably not too much. But it is likely that the complaining probably will not help much either. And that is because, frankly, we as blind folks in Montana do not really travel as much as we even used to.  I think. I don't know, but I would wonder if this is not true. 

And whatever our needs, or in any case, we are not large enough of a population to really be much of a dollar amount, as part of the great loss in revenue that the bus services have been experiencing.  Still, I would not wonder if more Montanans are made aware by some news coverage, perhaps some members of the public might identify it as an issue and something could happen to improve on the situation. Kind of unlikely, but hey, if it is in the news, it can at least have more of the benefit of attention.

So, my thoughts are these.
The biggest situation for us is our immediate  needs for members around Montana to get to the city of Billings for the September state convention.
What is the weekend date again?  
I am plum sorry, but I can’t find it. Is it September 20?
Anyway. We need to figure out how big of a number of persons that is, and where they each are. And then try and figure out how or what we might be able to do to help out.  

And IF we are going to do something, then we need to get a plan together pretty soon.

The information needed:
First, who wants to come and needs a ride?
If we get this list together, then can we clump these folks in and get folks to pool resources together, and schedule some, maybe like 3 routes, of transportation? Perhaps by renting vehicles and hiring drivers?

Member list.
Phone tree.
List of possible convention travellers.
Estimates of costs, decision of an adopted plan, and then its implementation.

That is my wee flurry of thoughts. The big picture guy. The laying sideways under the apple tree dreamer, and your friend, Rik.
But I very well may be sideways not knowing one end of the tree branch from the very core of the apple. So do some talking, and put on your thinking caps, everyone. Let's get us all to Billings, by hook and by cup of sweet cider.

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