[Nfbmt] [NFB] A Crisis of Public Transportation in Montana... and its real impact on NFB of Montana's upcoming state convention

Edward Robbins ecrobbins517 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 21:46:40 UTC 2013

FYI, the buses will still be running, Missoula-Billings.  Currently price is
$136 with 14 day advance purchase.  Draw back is having to travel on
Thursday to get there before 6 pm Friday.
	Ideas to think about.
PHONE & FAX:  406 453 6678, CELL:  406 799 6268

-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of lindazh2 at juno.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 3:09 PM
To: nfbmt at nfbnet.org
Subject: Re: [Nfbmt] [NFB] A Crisis of Public Transportation in Montana...
and its real impact on NFB of Montana's upcoming state convention

Hi again everyone - Since Ted is making this great offer out of Great Falls,
I'll change my offer to be Helena and Missoula. Rent the van out of Helena
and drive to Missoula to pick up those people, then on to Billings along
I90. I have not yet checked on van prices in Helena but they will probably
be much the same as what Ted said. Open to any other offers. Linda

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Edward Robbins" <ecrobbins517 at gmail.com>
To: "'NFB of Montana Discussion List'" <nfbmt at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [Nfbmt] [NFB] A Crisis of Public Transportation in Montana...
and its real impact on NFB of Montana's upcoming state convention
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:38:48 -0600

Since notice of no busses out of GT Falls, I have been doing some looking
into the costs.  To rent a van in GTF, for three days, the cost for a 15
passenger van, quoted was $99 per day.  Gas would probably run close to
$130.00.  With possible other costs for the rental such as insurance, it
might run another $50-$75.  Anna said she would drive, (She has always
enjoyed driving vans), we would pick it up friday morning, arrive in
Billings around noon.
Cost would be spread among those traveling from Great Falls.  With total
cost approximately $480.00, net to each, if 7 travel from Great Falls, would
be about $70 per person.  (Anna & I would be willing to share this cost,
even though with our prius we could do it for $37 in gas).
 We thought to look at a 15 passenger van because of possibly having 4 dogs
and 7 people.  if fuer dogs or people travel, we possibly could rent a
"mini" van.  (don't know how much this would cost, but gas mileage would be
better.  We would need to have a committment about 30 days before travel, to
get the bigger van to Great falls.  (coming out of Billings.  If any one has
more/better  information or ideas, please post.

FAX:  406 453 6678, CELL:  406 799 6268

-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of d m gina
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 7:37 PM
To: nfbmt at nfbnet.org
Subject: Re: [Nfbmt] [NFB] A Crisis of Public Transportation in Montana...
and its real impact on NFB of Montana's upcoming state convention

I was asking Jim if he would want to contact Ed Heron.
I don't have the correct spelling, just a thought.
Ed is working with seven day Adventist.
Just some thoughts.

Original message:
> Hey Rik and all, the state convention in Billings is October 25-26 and 
> probably the morning of the 27th.  I don't know yet what is going to 
> happen Friday the 25th that might mean some of us will need to get 
> there Thursday the 24th.  Depends on the transportation options, I 
> guess, assuming there are any.  LOL I think it would be cool if we 
> could somehow hire or rent a van or a small bus.

> I think in all the mess about the bus schedules that the one going 
> through Bozeman to Billings will still be running.  It's the 
> connections from Great Falls and maybe Helena and Missoula that are in 
> jeopardy.

> Joy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Rik James
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 2:21 PM
> To: NFB of Montana Discussion List
> Subject: [Nfbmt] A Crisis of Public Transportation in Montana... and 
> its real impact on NFB of Montana's upcoming state convention

> First, this stunning revelation as brought to our attention. Thanks, 
> Joy, and others.
> Montana and North Dakota Intercity Bus Status

> http://mtndintercity.wordpress.com/

> Dear NFB of Montana members and officers.

> I have just now been reading the posts on the discussion list about 
> the loss of bus transportation between our cities here in Montana.

> I feel that this is quite a crisis. Of course it is for some, more of 
> a crisis than for others. But if even one of those wishing to attend 
> the state convention, or for any other type of travel needs, this 
> issue will hardly be noticed, by anyone other than those who are 
> affected, unless it gets more in the press.  And the way it gets in 
> the press if its impact can be demonstrated in real terms.  I have the 
> opinion that more and more of these type of circumstances are very 
> likely to occur, leaving many without means to be at an ever worse

> So, then, what?
> What is it that we can do besides try and change things by complaining? 
> Probably not too much. But it is likely that the complaining probably 
> will not help much either. And that is because, frankly, we as blind 
> folks in Montana do not really travel as much as we even used to.  I 
> think. I don't know, but I would wonder if this is not true.

> And whatever our needs, or in any case, we are not large enough of a 
> population to really be much of a dollar amount, as part of the great 
> loss in revenue that the bus services have been experiencing.  Still, 
> I would not wonder if more Montanans are made aware by some news 
> coverage, perhaps some members of the public might identify it as an 
> issue and something could happen to improve on the situation. Kind of 
> unlikely, but hey, if it is in the news, it can at least have more of 
> the benefit of attention.

> So, my thoughts are these.
> The biggest situation for us is our immediate  needs for members 
> around Montana to get to the city of Billings for the September state
> What is the weekend date again?
> I am plum sorry, but I can t find it. Is it September 20?
> Anyway. We need to figure out how big of a number of persons that is, 
> and where they each are. And then try and figure out how or what we 
> might be able to do to help out.

> And IF we are going to do something, then we need to get a plan 
> together pretty soon.

> The information needed:
> First, who wants to come and needs a ride?
> If we get this list together, then can we clump these folks in and get 
> folks to pool resources together, and schedule some, maybe like 3 
> routes, of transportation? Perhaps by renting vehicles and hiring drivers?

> Member list.
> Phone tree.
> List of possible convention travellers.
> Estimates of costs, decision of an adopted plan, and then its

> That is my wee flurry of thoughts. The big picture guy. The laying 
> sideways under the apple tree dreamer, and your friend, Rik.
> But I very well may be sideways not knowing one end of the tree branch 
> from the very core of the apple. So do some talking, and put on your 
> thinking caps, everyone. Let's get us all to Billings, by hook and by 
> cup of sweet cider.
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