[Nfbmt] [Nfbnet-members-list] Call to Action on Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act

d m gina dmgina at samobile.net
Mon Jul 29 20:45:07 UTC 2013

Hi Dan,
At this time I don't have anyone who would be interested in what is 
happening, not only with nfb or anything like that.
Thanks for letting me know.

Original message:
> Dar and all --

> Montana doesn't have anyone on this Senate committee - Health,
> Education, Labor and Pensions.  So you don't need to call.

> However, if you have friends or relatives in Colorado, for example,
> please encourage them to call or e-mail Sen. Bennett's office about
> this.  If you know someone in Utah, South Carolina or any one of the
> states who has a Senator on this committee, encourage them to call.
> We only have today and tomorrow, so we need to work fast!

> Dan

> On 7/29/13, d m gina <dmgina at samobile.net> wrote:
>> I never found Montana to write email a message to.
>> Can you help here please,
>> I will keep this message.

>> Original message:
>>> Good morning

>>> Please take action on the following call to action by the National
>>> Office and Anil Lewis.
>>> Travis

>>> Travis S. Moses, President
>>> NFB of Montana
>>> Phone: 406-369-5605
>>> chiefblindtech at gmail.com
>>> Facebook: http://bit.ly/nfbmtfb
>>> www.nfbmt.org

>>> Vehicle Donations Take the Blind Further
>>> Donate your car to the National Federation of the Blind today!
>>> For more information, please visit: www.carshelpingtheblind.org or call
>>> 1-855-659-9314

>>> On Jul 28, 2013, at 4:28 PM, David Andrews <dandrews at visi.com> wrote:

>>> From: "Lewis, Anil" <ALewis at nfb.org
>>> Date: July 27, 2013, 5:22:31 PM EDT
>>> Federation:

>>> This is a call to action for you to make phone calls, send e-mails, and
>>> post to social media to save rehabilitation services for people with
>>> disabilities on Monday, July 29 and Tuesday, July 30.  Senate Bill S.
>>> 1356 has been introduced to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act
>>> (WIA).  This bill includes two major policy changes in the language of
>>> the Rehabilitation Act that threaten to send us backwards in our
>>> struggle to acquire the proper education, training, and opportunity to
>>> obtain competitive, integrated employment.

>>> (1) The bill has proposed language in Section 511 of the Rehabilitation
>>> Act that requires vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to include
>>> training and employment at wages below the federal minimum wage as a VR
>>> service.

>>> (1) The bill proposes to transfer the Rehabilitation Services
>>> Administration (RSA) from the Department of Education to the Department
>>> of Labor, severing the essential link between the provision of quality
>>> education and rehabilitation services for people with disabilities.

>>> The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee is
>>> scheduled to discuss and vote on this bill on Wednesday, July 31, and
>>> we need to act to ensure that these two tremendously flawed proposals
>>> are removed.  Our initial action is simple, but it will require all of
>>> us to take action.  We need all of our members, family members,
>>> friends, colleagues, and acquaintances that reside in states where
>>> their Senator serves on the HELP committee to make calls, send e-mails,
>>> post tweets, and Facebook messages to communicate the following two
>>> straightforward requests to their Senator:

>>> I am a voting constituent in the state and I am respectfully requesting
>>> that the WIA reauthorization be amended to:

>>> (1) Remove Section 511 of the Rehabilitation Act.
>>> (2) Remove the language transferring RSA to the Department of Labor.

>>> We are encouraging that only the actual residents make these requests
>>> of their respective Senators.  Start recruiting as many individuals as
>>> possible now to begin this action on Monday, July 29 and continue it
>>> through Tuesday, July 30.  Use the information below to make calls to
>>> your particular Senator's office and send e-mails to each of the e-mail
>>> addresses listed for your Senator.

>>> Please contact me with any questions, and keep me posted on your
>>> progress.  The only way we will be able to prevent a dismantling of the
>>> essential training and employment services for all people with
>>> disabilities is to act now.

>>> Remember, once you have made your calls, sent your e-mails, posted your
>>> tweets and Facebook messages, get others to do the same.

>>> Sincerely,

>>> Mr. Anil Lewis, M.P.A.
>>> Director of Advocacy and Policy

>>> "Eliminating Subminimum Wages For People With Disabilities"

>>> 200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place
>>> Baltimore, Maryland   21230

>>> (410) 659-9314 ext. 2374 (Voice)
>>> (410) 685-5653 (FAX)
>>> Email: alewis at nfb.org<mailto:alewis at nfb.org
>>> Web: www.nfb.org<http://www.nfb.org

>>> Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA)
>>> (202) 224-3254
>>> Chief of Staff: Brian Ahlberg brian_ahlberg at harkin.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Andy Imparato andrew_imparato at harkin.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Lee Perselay lee.perselay at help.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Barbara A Mikulski (D-MD)
>>> (202) 224-4654
>>> Chief of Staff: Julia Frifield julia_frifield at mikulski.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Jessica McNiece jessica_mcniece at mikulski.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)
>>> (202) 224-2621
>>> Chief of Staff: Mike Spahn michael_spahn at murray.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Megan Foster  megan_foster at murray.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Ariel Eevans ariel_evans at murray.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
>>> (202) 224-5141
>>> Chief of Staff: Michaeleen Crowell michaeleen_crowell at sanders.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Lori Kearns lori_kearns at sanders.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Robert P Casey, Jr. (D-PA)
>>> (202) 224-6324
>>> Chief of Staff: James Brown james_brown at casey.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Larry Smar larry_smar at casey.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Michael Waskey michael_waskey at casey.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Kay R Hagan (D-NC)
>>> (202) 224-6342
>>> Chief of Staff: Mike Harney mike_harney at hagan.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Ashley Eden & Josh Teitelbaum
>>> ashley_eden at hagan.senate.gov  josh_teitelbaum at hagan.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)
>>> (202) 224-5641
>>> Chief of Staff: Casey Aden-Wansbury
>>> casey_aden-wansbury at franken.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Momoko "Peach" Soltis peach_soltis at franken.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Beth Meloy beth_meloy at franken.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Michael F. Bennet (D-CO)
>>> (202) 224-5852
>>> Chief of Staff: Jonathan Davidson jonathan_davidson at bennet.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Rohini Kosoglu rohini_kosoglu at bennet.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
>>> (202) 224-2921
>>> Chief of Staff: Sam Goodstein sam_goodstein at whitehouse.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Jen DeAngelis jen_deangelis at whitehouse.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
>>> (202) 224-5653
>>> Chief of Staff: Bill Murat bill_murat at baldwin.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Nick Dicarlo nick_dicarlo at baldwin.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Amber Shipley amber_shipley at baldwin.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Christopher S. Murphy (D-CT)
>>> (202) 224-4041
>>> Chief of Staff: Francis Creighton francis_creighton at murphy.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Joe Dunn, Mark Ritacco, & Hayne Yoon
>>> joe_dunn at murphy.senate.gov   mark_ritacco at murphy.senate.gov Additional
>>> Contact: Hayne Yoon hayne_yoon at murphy.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
>>> (202) 224-4543
>>> Chief of Staff: Mindy Myers mindy_myers at warren.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Jeff Cruz jeff_cruz at warren.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
>>> (202) 224-4944
>>> Chief of Staff: Ryan Loskarn ryan_loskarn at alexander.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Kai Hirabayashi  &  Kyle Forton
>>> kai_hirabayashi at alexander.senate.gov kyle_forton at alexander.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Bill Knudsen bill_knudsen at alexander.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Michael B. Enzi (R-WY)
>>> (202) 224-3424
>>> Chief of Staff: Flip McConnaughey flip_mcconnaughey at enzi.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Riley Swinehart & Kristin Chapman
>>> riley_swinehart at enzi.senate.gov; kristin_chapman at enzi.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC)
>>> (202) 224-3154
>>> Chief of Staff: Chris Joyner chris_joyner at burr.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Steve Perrotta steve_perrotta at burr.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Anna Abram anna_abram at help.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
>>> (202) 224-3643
>>> Chief of Staff: Chris Carr chris_carr at isakson.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Tommy Nguyen tommy_nguyen at isakson.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
>>> (202) 224-4343
>>> Chief of Staff: William Henderson william_henderson at paul.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Natalie Burkhalter natalie_burkhalter at paul.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Orrin G Hatch (R-UT)
>>> (202) 224-5251
>>> Chief of Staff: Michael Kennedy michael_kennedy at hatch.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Hayden Rhudy hayden_rhudy at hatch.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)
>>> (202) 224-4774
>>> Chief of Staff: Jackie Cottrell jackie_cottrell at roberts.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Jennifer Boyer jennifer_boyer at roberts.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Lauren Stockwell lauren_stockwell at roberts.senate.gov

>>> Sen Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
>>> (202) 224-6665
>>> Chief of Staff: Edward Hild edward_hild at murkowski.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Tara Shaw tara_shaw at murkowski.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Leila Kimbrell leila_kimbrell at murkowski.senate.gov

>>> Sen Mark Kirk (R-IL)
>>> (202) 224-2854
>>> Chief of Staff: Kate Dickens kate_dickens at kirk.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Patrick Magnuson patrick_magnuson at kirk.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Jeannette Windon jeannette_windon at kirk.senate.gov

>>> Sen Tim Scott (R-SC)
>>> (202) 224-6121
>>> Chief of Staff: Richard Dunn richard_dunn at scott.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Kimberly Wallner kimberly_wallner at scott.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Elizabeth Simmons elizabeth_simmons at scott.senate.gov

>>> and here is some more information for any who would like further
>>> details or can help send emails to contacts in Senator Franken's office
>>> (listed  below). Please encourage your family, friends and
>>> acquaintances to help make contact, and share it on your social media as
>>> well.

>>> Sent from my iPhone

>>> Begin forwarded message:

>>> From: "Lewis, Anil" <ALewis at nfb.org
>>> Date: July 27, 2013, 5:22:31 PM EDT
>>> To: "State President, Iowa" <michael.nfbi at gmail.com, "State President,
>>> Maryland" <melissa at riccobono.us, "State President, Washington"
>>> <k7uij at panix.com, "State President, Vermont" <deannaljones at comcast.net,
>>> "State President, Pennsylvania" <president at nfbp.org, "State President,
>>> North Carolina" <ghraynfbofnc at charter.net, "State President, Minnesota"
>>> <jennifer.dunnam1829 at gmail.com, "State President, Colorado"
>>> <slabarre at labarrelaw.com, "State President, Rhode Island"
>>> <silvara at cox.net, "State President, Wisconsin" <johnfritz66 at gmail.com,
>>> "crival at comcast.net"
>>> Federation:

>>> This is a call to action for you to make phone calls, send e-mails, and
>>> post to social media to save rehabilitation services for people with
>>> disabilities on Monday, July 29 and Tuesday, July 30.  Senate Bill S.
>>> 1356 has been introduced to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act
>>> (WIA).  This bill includes two major policy changes in the language of
>>> the Rehabilitation Act that threaten to send us backwards in our
>>> struggle to acquire the proper education, training, and opportunity to
>>> obtain competitive, integrated employment.

>>> (1) The bill has proposed language in Section 511 of the Rehabilitation
>>> Act that requires vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to include
>>> training and employment at wages below the federal minimum wage as a VR
>>> service.

>>> (1) The bill proposes to transfer the Rehabilitation Services
>>> Administration (RSA) from the Department of Education to the Department
>>> of Labor, severing the essential link between the provision of quality
>>> education and rehabilitation services for people with disabilities.

>>> The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee is
>>> scheduled to discuss and vote on this bill on Wednesday, July 31, and
>>> we need to act to ensure that these two tremendously flawed proposals
>>> are removed.  Our initial action is simple, but it will require all of
>>> us to take action.  We need all of our members, family members,
>>> friends, colleagues, and acquaintances that reside in states where
>>> their Senator serves on the HELP committee to make calls, send e-mails,
>>> post tweets, and Facebook messages to communicate the following two
>>> straightforward requests to their Senator:

>>> I am a voting constituent in the state and I am respectfully requesting
>>> that the WIA reauthorization be amended to:

>>> (1) Remove Section 511 of the Rehabilitation Act.
>>> (2) Remove the language transferring RSA to the Department of Labor.

>>> We are encouraging that only the actual residents make these requests
>>> of their respective Senators.  Start recruiting as many individuals as
>>> possible now to begin this action on Monday, July 29 and continue it
>>> through Tuesday, July 30.  Use the information below to make calls to
>>> your particular Senator's office and send e-mails to each of the e-mail
>>> addresses listed for your Senator.

>>> Please contact me with any questions, and keep me posted on your
>>> progress.  The only way we will be able to prevent a dismantling of the
>>> essential training and employment services for all people with
>>> disabilities is to act now.

>>> Remember, once you have made your calls, sent your e-mails, posted your
>>> tweets and Facebook messages, get others to do the same.

>>> Sincerely,

>>> Mr. Anil Lewis, M.P.A.
>>> Director of Advocacy and Policy

>>> "Eliminating Subminimum Wages For People With Disabilities"

>>> 200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place
>>> Baltimore, Maryland   21230

>>> (410) 659-9314 ext. 2374 (Voice)
>>> (410) 685-5653 (FAX)
>>> Email: alewis at nfb.org<mailto:alewis at nfb.org
>>> Web: www.nfb.org<http://www.nfb.org

>>> Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA)
>>> (202) 224-3254
>>> Chief of Staff: Brian Ahlberg brian_ahlberg at harkin.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Andy Imparato andrew_imparato at harkin.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Lee Perselay lee.perselay at help.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Barbara A Mikulski (D-MD)
>>> (202) 224-4654
>>> Chief of Staff: Julia Frifield julia_frifield at mikulski.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Jessica McNiece jessica_mcniece at mikulski.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)
>>> (202) 224-2621
>>> Chief of Staff: Mike Spahn michael_spahn at murray.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Megan Foster  megan_foster at murray.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Ariel Eevans ariel_evans at murray.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
>>> (202) 224-5141
>>> Chief of Staff: Michaeleen Crowell michaeleen_crowell at sanders.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Lori Kearns lori_kearns at sanders.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Robert P Casey, Jr. (D-PA)
>>> (202) 224-6324
>>> Chief of Staff: James Brown james_brown at casey.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Larry Smar larry_smar at casey.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Michael Waskey michael_waskey at casey.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Kay R Hagan (D-NC)
>>> (202) 224-6342
>>> Chief of Staff: Mike Harney mike_harney at hagan.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Ashley Eden & Josh Teitelbaum
>>> ashley_eden at hagan.senate.gov  josh_teitelbaum at hagan.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)
>>> (202) 224-5641
>>> Chief of Staff: Casey Aden-Wansbury
>>> casey_aden-wansbury at franken.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Momoko "Peach" Soltis peach_soltis at franken.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Beth Meloy beth_meloy at franken.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Michael F. Bennet (D-CO)
>>> (202) 224-5852
>>> Chief of Staff: Jonathan Davidson jonathan_davidson at bennet.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Rohini Kosoglu rohini_kosoglu at bennet.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
>>> (202) 224-2921
>>> Chief of Staff: Sam Goodstein sam_goodstein at whitehouse.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Jen DeAngelis jen_deangelis at whitehouse.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
>>> (202) 224-5653
>>> Chief of Staff: Bill Murat bill_murat at baldwin.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Nick Dicarlo nick_dicarlo at baldwin.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Amber Shipley amber_shipley at baldwin.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Christopher S. Murphy (D-CT)
>>> (202) 224-4041
>>> Chief of Staff: Francis Creighton francis_creighton at murphy.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Joe Dunn, Mark Ritacco, & Hayne Yoon
>>> joe_dunn at murphy.senate.gov   mark_ritacco at murphy.senate.gov Additional
>>> Contact: Hayne Yoon hayne_yoon at murphy.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
>>> (202) 224-4543
>>> Chief of Staff: Mindy Myers mindy_myers at warren.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Jeff Cruz jeff_cruz at warren.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
>>> (202) 224-4944
>>> Chief of Staff: Ryan Loskarn ryan_loskarn at alexander.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Kai Hirabayashi  &  Kyle Forton
>>> kai_hirabayashi at alexander.senate.gov kyle_forton at alexander.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Bill Knudsen bill_knudsen at alexander.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Michael B. Enzi (R-WY)
>>> (202) 224-3424
>>> Chief of Staff: Flip McConnaughey flip_mcconnaughey at enzi.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Riley Swinehart & Kristin Chapman
>>> riley_swinehart at enzi.senate.gov; kristin_chapman at enzi.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC)
>>> (202) 224-3154
>>> Chief of Staff: Chris Joyner chris_joyner at burr.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Steve Perrotta steve_perrotta at burr.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Anna Abram anna_abram at help.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
>>> (202) 224-3643
>>> Chief of Staff: Chris Carr chris_carr at isakson.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Tommy Nguyen tommy_nguyen at isakson.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
>>> (202) 224-4343
>>> Chief of Staff: William Henderson william_henderson at paul.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Natalie Burkhalter natalie_burkhalter at paul.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Orrin G Hatch (R-UT)
>>> (202) 224-5251
>>> Chief of Staff: Michael Kennedy michael_kennedy at hatch.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Hayden Rhudy hayden_rhudy at hatch.senate.gov

>>> Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)
>>> (202) 224-4774
>>> Chief of Staff: Jackie Cottrell jackie_cottrell at roberts.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Jennifer Boyer jennifer_boyer at roberts.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Lauren Stockwell lauren_stockwell at roberts.senate.gov

>>> Sen Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
>>> (202) 224-6665
>>> Chief of Staff: Edward Hild edward_hild at murkowski.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Tara Shaw tara_shaw at murkowski.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Leila Kimbrell leila_kimbrell at murkowski.senate.gov

>>> Sen Mark Kirk (R-IL)
>>> (202) 224-2854
>>> Chief of Staff: Kate Dickens kate_dickens at kirk.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Patrick Magnuson patrick_magnuson at kirk.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Jeannette Windon jeannette_windon at kirk.senate.gov

>>> Sen Tim Scott (R-SC)
>>> (202) 224-6121
>>> Chief of Staff: Richard Dunn richard_dunn at scott.senate.gov
>>> HELP Contact: Kimberly Wallner kimberly_wallner at scott.senate.gov
>>> Additional Contact: Elizabeth Simmons elizabeth_simmons at scott.senate.gov

>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Nfbnet-members-list mailing list
>>> Nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
>>> List archives:
>>> <http://www.nfbnet.org/pipermail/nfbnet-members-list_nfbnet.org>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Nfbmt mailing list
>>> Nfbmt at nfbnet.org
>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nfbmt_nfbnet.org
>>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>>> Nfbmt:
>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nfbmt_nfbnet.org/dmgina%40samobile.net

>> --
>> --Dar
>> skype: dmgina23
>>   FB: dmgina
>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>> every saint has a past
>> every sinner has a future

>> _______________________________________________
>> Nfbmt mailing list
>> Nfbmt at nfbnet.org
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nfbmt_nfbnet.org
>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>> Nfbmt:
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nfbmt_nfbnet.org/burke.dall%40gmail.com

> --
> Dan Burke
> My Cell:  406.546.8546
> Twitter:  @DallDonal

> _______________________________________________
> Nfbmt mailing list
> Nfbmt at nfbnet.org
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nfbmt_nfbnet.org
> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for Nfbmt:
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nfbmt_nfbnet.org/dmgina%40samobile.net

skype: dmgina23
  FB: dmgina
every saint has a past
every sinner has a future

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