[Nfbmt] Fwd: [State-affiliate-leadership-list] NFB Library Card

Sheila Leigland sleigland at bresnan.net
Mon Jun 24 01:35:57 UTC 2013

do you think it would work with the plextalk?
On 6/23/2013 4:05 PM, Rik James wrote:
> Wow, Dan.
> This is simply amazing!
> And me ready to chuck my computer in to our compost pile in frustration.
> The digital niceties. They do exist.
> I was just remembering not too very long ago, how I brought home a big 
> bunch sets of cassette 4-track recordings of Standing Alone, Marching 
> Together and how I should need to be re-reading and hearing the 
> speeches again. It was in immense inspiration to me when I listened 
> the first time. As well as to other such books. I was thinking, they 
> must surely be digitizing those.  And now to have the Daisy 
> navigation, that is indeed very keen!
> Okay. Utah, you have me looking for you soon.
> Thanks, Dan.
> Rik
> -----Original Message----- From: Dan Burke
> Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 3:39 PM
> To: NFB of Montana Discussion List
> Subject: [Nfbmt] Fwd: [State-affiliate-leadership-list] NFB Library Card
> This looks like a great deal!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Everette Bacon <baconev at yahoo.com>
> Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 11:17:28 -0600
> Subject: [State-affiliate-leadership-list] NFB Library Card
> To: State Affiliate Leadership List 
> <state-affiliate-leadership-list at nfbnet.org>
> NFB OF UTAH, C-13.
> An entire library of NFB speeches, articles and DAISY books, at the
> tip of your fingers!
> Just insert this SD Memory card into your Victor Reader Stream and you
> have it all!
> Over 173 hours of live mp3 audio!
> Over 400 books, articles and speeches sorted into folders by subject!
> Every Banquet speech given by Jacobus tenBroek, Kenneth Jernigan, and
> Mark Maurer! Listen to their actual voices!
> Gems from our History, such as a 4-part in-depth interview with Dr.
> Newell Perry, mentor to Jacobus tenBroek. Also articles and talks by
> Perry Sundquist, Muzzy Marcelino, Hazel tenBroek and many others!
> How would you like to have been present at the founding meeting of our
> Federation in 1940 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania? Here you can read
> the minutes from that very meeting!
> Plus 5 New DAISY books with much more effective navigation than ever 
> before!
> For a complete listing of the contents of this Library Card, email
> HYPERLINK "mailto:norm.gardner at brlcenter.org"
> norm.gardner at brlcenter.org, or call 801/380-3138.
> PRICE: $10; 4 gig SD; TRADE IN last year’s NFB Library Card for $5
> credit on the purchase of this year’s NFB Library card.
> VOLUME PRICING! Discounts From 20% to 35%! Buy 5 get 1 free! Buy 10
> get 3 free! Buy 20 get 7 free!
> NFB of Utah C-13.

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