[Nfbmt] This week call Rep. Daines!

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 14:35:45 UTC 2013

Greetings all -

Jesse Hartle at the National Center is urging everyone to make another
push on the Space Available bill in Congress.  Our job is to call
Congressman Steve Daines this week and press him to become a House
cosponsor of H.R. 164.

This legislation, known as Space Available, simply adds veterans with
100-percent service-connected disabilities to the list of those who
can use military transports whenever space is available.  The list
currently includes retired military personnel and Red Cross workers,
among others.  This issue was brought forward at our last convention
by the NFB Veterans Division, and is supported by the Disabled
American Veterans and the VFW.

H.R. 164 was introduced by Rep. Biliroca in late January and already
has 82 cosponsors.  Its equivalent in the Senate S. 364, was
introduced by our own Jon Tester and has 11 cosponsors, including Sen.

Thus, Montana's work in the Senate is done.  To get our complete
delegation  in support of this bill, we need Rep. Daines in the House
to to sign on.

Call Congressman Steve Daines' office on Capitol Hill at


and ask him to cosponsor H.R. 164.  Make sure you say *cosponsor,* and
tell them you're a member of the National Federation of the Blind!

That's about all you'll get to say probably.  He and his staff know
the rest of the details, thanks to our Washington Seminar meeting and
subsequent contacts.

Let's go team!


Dan Burke, President
The National Federation of the Blind of Montana
Visit us on Face Book at http://bit.ly/nfbmtfb
My Cell:  406.546.8546

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