[Nfbmt] Public Hearing info for Friday

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 22:05:56 UTC 2013


The 2013 public hearing for the Vocational Rehabilitation Plan and the
Independent Living Plan is set for this Friday, March 22 at 3 p.m. to
4:15 p.m.  We need to have members contribute to this hearing in order
to have a strong voice in the formation of planning for Blind & Low
Vision Services programs.

We want to be effective with the numbers of us making comments and
that we are united in what we want.  My experience on the VR Council
tells me that some administrators in the department are rattled by
this approach and want to discount us.  However, we know that with
collective action we are stronger.

We have discussed several items going back as far as our November 3
convention in Missoula.  When giving comment, you will be asked to
give your name.  Also, it is important to state that you are a member
of the NFB of Montana.  Here are the items that each of us should talk
about briefly.

1.	Thank you for the increased support for the blind vendors program
in Montana.  This support has been increased to more realistic and
sustainable level, and will be instrumental in growing the program

2.	We request funding for NFB Newsline under the Service to Groups
category.  NFB Newsline is a newspaper/magazine delivery system that
gives daily accessible formats of five Montana dailies, as well as
important national papers and magazines.  Describe briefly how you use
Newsline, how often, etc.

	(Note:  Bob Maffit and I have been talking about advocating for this
jointly, so hopefully MAB members may also make this comment.)

3. We in the NFB have increasingly been hearing from BLVS clients
about frustrations and concerns with the effectiveness and
availability of assistive technology services and support. We
understand that the world of technology, not to mention access to that
technology, has changed dramatically in the past 5to 8 years. We
request that the agency assess the effectiveness of the current AT
delivery strategy, including the appropriateness of the position
description for the AT Specialist in the tech world of the next 3 to 5
years, and work with us to find ways to improve access to high-quality
AT training and support for BLVS clients.

	(Note:  State if you have personal concerns, but do not use this as a
complaint forum.  Further, we want to be sure that we do not mention
any staff.  This is not a matter of personalities, but of whether
blind folks are getting the AT training we need to be successful.)

4.	Payment of subminimum wages to workers with disabilities is wrong,
even if it is legal.  It has a devastating effect on many Montanans
with disabilities, including members of the NFB of Montana.  It is
unfair, discriminatory, and immoral and Montana's tax dollars should
not support it.  We request that the agency phase out contractual
relationships over the next three years with any and all entities
which hold certification under 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

	(Note:  Feel free to make personal statements here, but keep in mind
that they've only permitted an hour and fifteen minutes.)

As in the past, the public hearing will be conducted via the video
conferencing system maintained by the State of Montana in several
locations around the state.  There are a couple of new avenues to give
comment this year, however.

First, during the hearing time there will be a telephone conference
number active, so you can call in and listen to the hearing, as well
as giving comment by phone.  If you can't get to a video conference
location, you can still participate in the live conference.

	Call-in number:  406-449-7478
	Conference ID:  85946#

There is also now an online comment form in case you can't make the
public hearing time for any reason.  If you use this form, be sure to
mention that you are commenting on the VR Plan and that you are a
member of the NFB of Montana.

Below is a listing of the eight sites where you can participate in the
video conference.

You are invited to a.......

Public Hearing on the State Plans for
Montana Vocational Rehabilitation/Blind and Low Vision MVR/BLV
and The Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)

When:  Friday March 22, 2013 from 3:00 – 4:15
MSU-Billings, 1500 University Drive, Education Building, Room 158
Montana State University, Eng. Phys. Science Building-South 7th and
Grant, Room 126
Montana Tech, 1300 West Park Street, ELCB Room 225	
Great Falls		
Great Falls College of Technology, 2100 16th Avenue South, Room B-133		
MSU-Northern, 300 11th Street West, Hagner Science Center, Room 202
Old Livestock Building, 1310 East Lockey, Rooms 105 and 107.
Flathead Valley Community College, 777Grandview Dr., Learning Resource
Ctr. Rm. 120
Miles City
Miles City Community College, 2715 Dickenson Street, Room 313
University of Montana, Corner of Arthur and Eddy, Galagher Building – Room 104		

There will be a call-in line available during the time of the hearing.
 Participants on the call-in line will have the opportunity to make
Call-in information is:
Call-in number:  406-449-7478 Conference ID:  85946#

Requests for accommodations should be made to Mike Hermanson at
406-444-3833 or mhermanson at mt.gov, by March 11, 2013.

Written comments will be taken until April 10, 2013 and can be mailed to:
Mike Hermanson or Julie Clay
Disability Transitions Programs,
P. O. Box 4210
Helena, MT 59604.
Or email: mhermanson at mt.gov. or jclay at mt.gov

The MVR state plan and the Montana State Plan for Independent Living
and related information are available at:
http://www.dphhs.mt.gov/detd/vocrehab/policy-documents.shtml.  We are
especially interested in suggestions to assist MVR/BLV to develop ways
to meet the goals that have been developed for the 2014-17 strategic
plan.  Requests for written copies of the materials are available by
request.  Contact Mike Hermanson at:  406-444-3833 or
mhermanson at mt.gov.

Dan Burke, President
The National Federation of the Blind of Montana
Visit us on Face Book at http://bit.ly/nfbmtfb
My Cell:  406.546.8546

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