[Nfbmt] Rim Rock Stages

d m gina dmgina at samobile.net
Sun Mar 24 19:31:05 UTC 2013

For those who don't have face book, this is the article that was sent out.
Feds shut down Rimrock Stages 29 minutes ago By Susan Olp Susan Olp 
solp at billingsgazette.com

Follow @bgsueolp

Rimrock Stages, deemed an "imminent hazard" by a federal agency, has 
been shut down.

On Friday, the Department of Transportation issued an order for the 
Billings bus company to cease operations, calling it a danger to itself 
and others.

This condition of operation is an imminently hazardous and potentially 
deadly risk for Rimrock Stages' drivers and passengers, and for the 
motoring public" the 11-page order stated.

The order was signed by William R. Paden, regional field administrator 
for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration (FMCSA).

A March 19 compliance review of eight buses revealed 79 violations of 
federal safety requirements. All of the buses, which were preparing to 
transport customers, were immediately ordered out of service.

All other buses owned by the company in transit were directed to 
proceed to their next destination and then cease operating.

The buses weren't the only problem, the order said.

Rimrock Stages does not have basic safety management controls to ensure 
that its commercial motor vehicles are systematically inspected, 
maintained and repaired, and that the commercial motor vehicles it 
operates meet minimum safety standards," it read.

Employees of Rimrock Stages responsible for maintaining and repairing 
the buses don't know how to perform basic vehicle inspections, it said.

Additionally, Rimrock Stages knowingly dispatches vehicles before 
defects discovered during inspections have been corrected," the order stated.

It cited the company's "continuing general disregard for safety," and 
said that disregard "increases the likelihood of serious injury or death.

A Rimrock Stages official could not be reached for comment.

Dan Ronan, senior director of communications for the American Bus 
Association, said Saturday that his organization is in complete 
agreement with the DOT's actions.

We believe that companies need to run safely, and they need to run with 
their equipment in good shape," Ronan said. And in this case, the 
department inspected them and found they weren't.

The DOT announced about a month ago that it was going to begin a 
crackdown against motor coach companies, Ronan said.

And they've been very methodically looking at companies, and as they 
inspect them, they're putting companies they believe to be an imminent 
hazard out of service.

Before the company can resume operations, it will have to take specific 
steps to demonstrate its compliance with federal regulations. That 
includes ensuring all of its buses are in good working order, and that 
its employees are trained to inspect, maintain and repair the buses.

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  FB: dmgina
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