[Nfbmt] Email Who uses what email software? And about our discussion list
Sheila Leigland
sleigland at bresnan.net
Fri Nov 1 23:45:58 UTC 2013
hi all that you are doing sounds promising and I'm looking forward to
seeing you next week in Maryland. I haven't figured out facebook yet but
may eventually do that. I've been known to lose pafocus when dealing
with technology if I get to overwhelmed but and getting better at it.See
you soon.
On 11/1/2013 5:37 PM, Rebecca Stewart wrote:
> Hi Sheila. I don't think you can do text messaging on a computer. I am
> really growing to appreciate my laptop, now that I'm learning to use it,
> anyway. The only thing I use my Iphone for now is calls and rarely text
> messaging when I'm away from my computer. I really enjoy face book so in my
> free time I am spending a lot of time doing that. This week I've had very
> little "free time" though. I've been wrapping up my book, getting used to
> the NFB serve list and persueing many of the issues we talked about at the
> meeting lasdt weekend. Dan said at the meeting that he wondered how we
> could get a lot of people to the national convention in Orlando next July.
> I am working on a plan I have in mind. If it works out and won't be too
> expensive, I will call Dan and see if it is kind of what he had in mind. If
> so, I will run it past Jim and see what he thinks. I'm currently waiting
> for a call back on the matter.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Sheila Leigland
> Sent: Friday, November 1, 2013 4:30 PM
> To: NFB of Montana Discussion List
> Subject: Re: [Nfbmt] Email Who uses what email software? And about our
> discussion list
> hi becca that is why I'm not interested in an iphone and use my laptop
> exclusively. I know nothing about texting and don't even know if you can do
> that on a computer. I'm also not wild about paying more money for a data
> plan.
> On 11/1/2013 3:31 PM, Rebecca Stewart wrote:
>> Hi Rick. I use Outlook 2013. I have email capabilities on my I phone
>> and I use them very rarely. Here's why I choose not to do email on my
>> phone unless I have no choice, perhaps this will give you some idea
>> what it is like doing email on a smart phone before you invest in
>> purchasing one. I find it very tedious typing an email on my I phone
>> because you have to hit each tiny key on the screen three times when
>> using voice over and this takes forever. You can dictate emails but
>> the message often reads differently than what you intended to say. I
>> am actually so sick of doing face book and email on my I phone that I
>> am learning to use my lap top which I bought just so I could have
>> mobile access to face book and email with out having to use my I
>> phone. This is how frustrating I found the I phone to be. The I
>> phone is really handy for text messaging and I love the talking caller
>> ID, talking contact list, everything talks and easy to understand but
> there are just those other issues. I hope I've helped.
>> Becca
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Rik James
>> Sent: Friday, November 1, 2013 12:29 PM
>> To: NFB of Montana Discussion List
>> Subject: [Nfbmt] Email Who uses what email software? And about our
>> discussion list
>> Hello list members.
>> I am curious.
>> What software do each of you use for your email?
>> Some folks may use Outlook. Some may use Windows Live Mail. Some may
>> actually just use their internet browser and use webmail. Some folks
>> may use something else. And do you maintain a list of Contacts within
>> your email program?
>> I am starting a discussion on something else besides the NFB of
>> Montana business here. But it is also useful I think if we share
>> information and learn from each other so we can each know more about
>> all of the various things we use to communicate. I can think of a
>> variety of topics along those lines I'd like to discuss with us, or with
> others.
>> There maybe also other discussion lists that you might like to share
>> with us.
>> If so, please provide the name of the list, what the list talks about,
>> and the way to subscribe to it.
>> I know lots of you are using the new types of phones now, too. I have
>> not yet gotten anything going on that. But maybe I will soon enough.
>> The whole Apple versus Android thing, and my reading of it, it always
>> keeps me in a limbo land of indecision. That, plus wondering what I
>> can and would want to spend on a monthly basis on a phone.
>> Oh. I use Windows Live Mail 2011 for my personal email. I have several
>> email addresses. I manage my email according to using an email address
>> for specific types of communications and things I do. The
>> montanarikster at gmail.com is the email address I use for this list. As
>> well as some other lists. Other email addresses I may use for other
>> things like my radio and concert stuff. I have one that I use for
>> politics, too. It keeps me able to kind of pre-sort things. Windows
>> Live Mail puts all of those accounts in a Tree View, so I can go to
>> each of the accounts and then TAB over to the Inbox in that account.
>> I use WLM 2011 while using my JAWS screen reading software and a
>> little bit of my remaining eyesight. It works pretty well, but there
>> are things that it may not read, like who the email is from. So I will
>> need to use the JAWS cursor for that.
>> I wonder if any of you have trouble seeing or hearing who an email is
>> from, also.
>> You know if it is from this NFB of Montana Discussion list, it is
>> being delivered to many others who may or may not be participating in
>> the discussions that are held there. And when you hit Reply to that
>> message it goes to all of those who are subscribed to the list. This
>> list is also called a Listserve. That is just a computer style of
>> email list, as I understand it. I think that this list is administered
>> by the NFB organization David Andrews, and our NFB Montana list
>> moderator or List Mom as they like to call it, is still Dan Burke.
>> Okay. Thanks for listening. And I hope what I typed up above made some
>> sort of sense. It is a crazy Friday here. And with baseball season
>> over, you just never know who is going to catch those foul balls that
>> keep coming this way, now do you? But I will keep my glove handy and
> mustard in stock.
>> Thanks.
>> Rik James
>> Bozeman, Montana.
>> 12:44 p.m. 44 degrees. Partly cloudy, partly sunny, and breezes out of
>> the South and East.
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