[Nfbmt] Standard Time

Bruce&Joy Breslauer bjb5757 at bresnan.net
Sun Nov 3 02:11:58 UTC 2013

You probably don't need me to remind you to turn your clocks back one hour
for standard time.  Spring ahead, fall back.  We get another hour of sleep.
But the days will get a whole lot shorter.  It will get a whole lot darker a
whole lot earlier.


The need to change from standard to daylight savings time and back again has
always fascinated me.  Dairy cows don't know the difference.  Many cities
are 24/7/365 so there's not the need for the change the way there was in WW
II.  They say it's to save energy, whoever they are.  I think things have
changed enough now that I'm not so sure it has the same effect it used to
have on society.


Well, I'll stop now before I get bounced for being off topic.  LOL 




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