[Nfbmt] (no subject)

Rebecca Stewart becca33 at bresnan.net
Wed Nov 6 20:02:04 UTC 2013

Hi guys.  I want to let you know that my book is now available for anyone
who wants to purchase it.  It is available in hard cover, paper back and via
down load off of the net.  I plan on getting it published in Braille and in
audio also but it will take time.  If you want to purchase it, it is called
"He Works All Things Together..."  You can find it by entering the name of
the book or by searching by my name via the net.  My author's name is
"Rebecca Strom- Stewart."  I don't know much about how computers work but I
think that if you download it, a screen reader would read it to you.  This
is also the cheapest way to get it.  I think the price my publisher decided
on for downloads was right around $5. I hope you will find my book
interesting if you choose to read it.  If you do read my book and have any
comments I would love to hear them.  

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