[Nfbmt] (no subject)

James Aldrich jkaldrich at samobile.net
Thu Apr 17 03:36:52 UTC 2014

Hi Rebecca,

The best Bar Code Reader I have seen thus far for the IPhone is one 
called Digit-eyes.  I'd get the paid version even though you can try 
the free version at first.  Be sure you check for bar codes in a 
lighted room.  It is tricky at first.

Sometimes, it is time consuming to look for bar codes on an IPhone.  
Look for and download the app "Can't Find".  you don't need the quotes. 
It is free.  This app helps you locate products and tells you where to 
shop for them.  It does quite well identifying packages and reading 
window envelopes in your mail.  These are the two I use much of the 
time and I probably use can't find more than digit eyes.

There is another app called Tap Tap see but one must pay to use this 
one.  I personally think Can't Find works as well if not better than 
Tap Tap See.


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