[Nfbmt] Thru Our Eyes: Revision Wednesday, January 22 at 8:00 PM Eastern

James Aldrich jkaldrich at samobile.net
Thu Jan 23 00:19:41 UTC 2014

ruffaloTo:nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.orgSubject:[Nfbnet-members-list] 
Thru Our Eyes: Revision Wednesday, January 22 at 8:00 PM Eastern, 
Interview With Mark Riccobono


THRU OUR EYES, an Internet radio show, to interview Mark Riccobono

NFB national president, Dr. Marc Maurer, has announced that he will 
recommend Mark Riccobono to succeed him as the next President of the 
National Federation of the Blind.

On Wednesday, January 22 at 8:00 pm Eastern,
ThruOurEyes Host Joe Ruffalo will interview the Executive Director of 
the NFB Jernigan Institute, Mr. Mark Riccobono. Discussion will feature 
the history, goals, purposes and objectives of the NFB.

In addition, The BELL program, the national convention, and several 
other NFB programs and projects will be highlighted. We encourage 
members during the second half of the interview to
call 1-888-572-0141 with their thoughts and dreams for the
organization to tackle this year. What are your dreams for the future?

To listen/view online, log into www.thruoureyes.org.

If you use JAWS or other screen readers, go to 
http://m.thruoureyes.org. Click/Enter on the LISTEN to get the audio 
only or go a bit further down the page for the VIEW and click/enter 
there for audio and video.

You can see us live on YouTube here: www.youtube.com/wtoenetwork. To 
listen to the live show via phone, call:
1 347 215 7037.

To phone in with a suggestion, comment, or just a shout out: 1 888 572 0141

To get any podcasts:
Audio podcasts:

Video Podcasts:

Enjoy the interview!

Joe Ruffalo, Host of ThruOurEyes
President of the NFB of New Jersey

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