[Nfbmt] Last Year's Public Testimony from the NFB of MOntana

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 15:41:13 UTC 2014

Here is the actual text which I submitted prior to the 2013 public
hearning, as a reference.  This was the basis of our collective


VR State Plan
Public Hearing & Comment Summary from the National Federation of the
Blind of Montana

I am providing a clearly stated summary here of comment that will be
given by a number of members of the NFB of Montana at tomorrow's
public hearing.  We could of course simply submit the comment below,
or have me as President present the comment that we an organization
have discussed and arrived at.  However, NFB members feel a great deal
of passion about these issues and want to have their chance to speak
and be heard.

The public comment processes under the Rehab Act are indeed an
excellent way for the agency to gather a wide variety of qualitative
data from a diversity of stakeholders.  It is also a political process
and we appreciate that DET continues to improve its collection of
comment quantitatively in order to reflect that aspect of the public
comment process.

1.	Thank you for the increased support for the blind vendors program
in Montana.  This support has been increased to more realistic and
sustainable level, and will be instrumental in growing the program

2.	We request funding for NFB Newsline under the Service to Groups
category.  NFB Newsline is a newspaper/magazine delivery system that
gives daily accessible formats of five Montana dailies, as well as
important national papers and magazines.  Blind and other users with
print-disabilities use this service daily to keep abreast of matters
affecting us in Montana and across the nation.  In addition, NFB
Newsline also has the option of providing job listings.  In short, it
is a vital means of access to our state's newspapers and much more.

3. We in the NFB have increasingly been hearing from BLVS clients
about frustrations and concerns with the effectiveness and
availability of assistive technology services and support. While we
appreciate the increased capacity that BLVS's AT specialist position
has brought to the issue, we also understand that the world of
technology, not to mention access to that technology, has changed
dramatically in the past 5to 8 years. We request that the agency
assess the effectiveness of the current AT delivery strategy,
including the appropriateness of the position description for the AT
Specialist in the tech world of the next 3 to 5 years, and work with
us to find ways to improve access to high-quality
AT training and support for BLVS clients.

4.	Payment of subminimum wages to workers with disabilities is wrong,
even if it is legal.  It has a devastating effect on many Montanans
with disabilities, including members of the NFB of Montana.  It is
unfair, discriminatory, and immoral and Montana's tax dollars should
not support it.  We request that the agency phase out contractual
relationships over the next three years with any and all entities
which hold certification under 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act
and stop purchase of any services from such entities.

Dan Burke, President
National Federation of the Blind of Montana
burke.dall at gmail.com
408 W. Sussex Ave.
Missoula, MT 59801

Dan Burke
My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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