[Nfbmt] Our Statement to Voc Rehab hearing tomorrow

James Aldrich jkaldrich at samobile.net
Thu Mar 27 16:28:11 UTC 2014

Hello all,

Here are five statements the NFB of Montana will present at the Voc 
rehab hearing tomorrow.  There will be a more comprehensive statement 
written up to expand on these five points but this short version should 
come in handy at the hearing!  If you cannot attend the hearing, feel 
free to submit these statements in writing.

1. Thank you for continued support of the blind vendor's program in Montana

2. We request funding for NFB Newsline to enhance employability and to 
provide easy access to Career Builder job listings

3. Work with us to develop more effective assistive technology training 
and support for BLVS clients
4. The NFB of Montana applauds DET's efforts to increase Extended 
Employment closures that are integrated and pay at least minimum wage. 
However, we renew our call to end contracts with entities holding 14(c) 
5. The NFB of Montana strongly supports DET's request for an additional 
$100,000 in funding for the Older Blind program

I'll see you at the hearing!

James Aldrich
National Federation Of The Blind Of Montana
(406) 698-3729
jkaldrich at samobile.net

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