[Nfbmt] List News

Rik James montanarikster at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 19:24:20 UTC 2014

Thank you, Sheila!
You are of precious value to our organization.
And thank you, Madame President, Joy Breslauer.
I have not heard a Shake and Bake commercial in awhile.
But I will take your word for it.
And I love fried chicken.
And cole slaw.
And biscuits.
And, and, and.
Well you get the idea.

I love the National Federation of the Blind of Montana.
Hip hip hooray.
And pass me one of those Montana beef sticks while the chicken is in the 

Squirrel Lee yours, Rik James.

Go Royals, game 6 Tuesday in Kansas City!

-----Original Message----- 
From: Bruce&Joy Breslauer via Nfbmt
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 5:37 PM
To: nfbmt
Subject: [Nfbmt] List News

See below.

It says on the nfb.net web site on the nfbmt info page:

This list is moderated by Sheila Leigland. You can reach her at:
sheila.leigland at gmail.com

She volunteered, so I can put my fickle finger of fate away till next time.
She even lived through the experience, at least so far.  It is relatively
painless.  Think of how pain-free it will be when this time next year comes
around and you can say, "We needed this and such done, and I helped."  Just
like the old shake N'  Bake commercial.  If we all do a little, we can do a

Joy Breslauer, President

National Federation of the Blind of Montana

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