[Nfbmt] Teach Act
Bruce&Joy Breslauer
bjb5757 at bresnan.net
Wed Sep 10 10:23:39 UTC 2014
This ties in with the article that Rik James called our attention to from
the Bozeman Chronicle regarding accessibility for college students. See
below for more clarification. Joy
>From Kyle Shachmut
National Federation of the Blind of Massachusetts
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2014 11:53 AM
This week, NABS is coming out in force to stand up for equal access to
educational technology and instructional materials, and we want your help
too! This issue has gotten a lot of attention in the last week, and your
efforts will put us over the top as we demand answers.
As you know, last week, the American Council on Education announced that
they oppose language similar to the TEACH Act. They are made up of many
associations. Each association (and their twitter handle) that signed the
letter opposing the teach act language is in the table below. Let's let
them hear from the National Association of Blind Students & the National
Federation of the Blind about how equal access is important and questioning
why the oppose voluntary accessibility guidelines. Their opposition was
stated within a 10 page letter, and they need to know that we will not stand
for slipping in this opposition without explanation!
Below you will find:
1. Some sample suggested tweets with shortened urls for easy sharing
2. The Twitter handles for each of the 20 organizations that signed the
public letter opposing the TEACH Act language
3. Links to 2 important articles we would like to draw to their
attention. Pick one and include it in your tweet. The links will provide
further information about what we are tweeting them about...
Suggestion: in every tweet, Mention the "lead" group @ACEducation and one
other organization. The list is a total of 20 groups. 20 tweets times our
students and other membership will absolutely get their attention & have a
big impact on this issue! Stand up today--tweet this week. re-tweet your
Sample Tweets:
@ACEducation @AAUniversities : why oppose optional #accessibility guidelines
for students w/disabilities #TEACHActgoo.gl/qjvbgv
@ACEducation @EDUCAUSE: why are you against optional #accessibility
guidelines? I deserve #equal access! #TEACHAct goo.gl/0V2rIy
@ACEducation @APLU_News oppose optional #accessibility guidelines for
students w/disabilities Why? #edchat #TEACHActgoo.gl/qjvbgv
Let's do this!
Best regards,,
Twitter Handle
American Council on Education
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
American Association of Community Colleges
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
American Indian Higher Education Consortium
Association of American Universities
Association of Community College Trustees
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges
@AGBtweets (org)
@LegonAGB (its president)
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Council for Opportunity in Education
Council of Graduate Schools
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
National Association of College and University Business Officers
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
UNCF (United Negro College Fund)
Links to the 2 main articles we would like to direct people too:
* President Riccobono's Blog Post about ACE opposing the TEACH Act:
Kyle Shachmut (student & NFB of Massachusetts) Boston Globe Op-Ed about why
ACE & schools should support the TEACH Act:
>From Lauren McLarney
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 3:25 PM
This afternoon we released a video,
<http://youtu.be/mU4MBIluhD0> "A Lesson on the TEACH Act,"
which can be found on
NFB <http://www.youtube.com/nationsblind> 's YouTube page.
It features a few recognizable NABS members, a school rep, an industry rep,
a senator, even some NCB staff, you name it! Our hope is that you will
circulate this video to your friends, family, and networks to spread the
message about the problem of inaccessible instructional materials and the
amazing solution that is the TEACH Act.
This problem hits home for many of you, especially those of you in high
school or higher ed, and yet so many people have no idea what it is like for
blind college students or why this problem exists in the first place. We
tried to answer those questions in the video, and used a fun style to sell
our solution and inspire others to help.
We are also experimenting with different forms of video description, so here
is a short description of "A Lesson on the TEACH Act":
Beginning segment: LM is sitting in the auditorium. First, four random
people from the street give their perception of technology and the impact it
has had on students with disabilities. Next, four blind students describe
their reality over video conferencing software. During introductions,
cartoon sun rays in different colors swirl behind their head.
Second segment: LM discusses the TEACH Act. Towards the end, a ticker runs
along the bottom length of the screen repeating
"guidelines!...guidelines!...guidelines!" followed by a flashing ticker that
reads "no mandates!" and another that reads "no new requirement!"
Third segment: A clip of Lucy France from the University of Montana
addressing the 2014 NFB National Convention about the need for more
information, and Allan Adler in the Association of American Publishers
conference room discussing the importance of guidelines.
Fourth segment: LM narrates checking items off of a checklist. Pictures of
six senators spiral onto the screen. At the end, LM asks: "Since when have
these two ever seen eye-to-eye on anything?" and a giant red question mark
appears on the screen. The checklist is displayed and bipartisan support is
checked. A list of groups that endorse the bill is read, while those names
fall from the sky into a pile at the bottom of the screen. LM says: "That's
pretty much everyone," and a giant red explanation point appears on the
screen. The checklist reappears and endorsements is checked. The AIM
Commission Report cover page is displayed, and then recommendation #1 is
read aloud while the words are highlighted. LM says: "Not just any
recommendation, recommendation #1," and a giant red #1 appears on the
screen. The checklist reappears and data is checked. Finally, a screenshot
of the Change.org petition is displayed and the number of signatures is
circled. LM says: "That's a lot of people," and a giant red WOW appears on
the screen. The checklist reappears for a final time and public support is
Fifth segment: LM makes a call to action. Blind students describe why they
want Congress to pass the TEACH Act. Senator Warren appears. She is seated
at a table, filmed from the side, and seems to be in front of an audience
speaking into a microphone.
Right now is a critical time: students just got back to school, Congress
just got back to session, and the higher education lobby just came out
against our initiative. This video is part of the momentum, so view, share,
and TEACH!
Speaking of momentum, did you catch President Riccobono's blog post about
ACE's opposition to the bill? It summarizes ACE's position, NFB's reaction,
and our hope for common ground. You can find it at http://bit.ly/1uAjI2X.
And did you catch Kyle Shachmut's op-ed that ran in the online version of
the Boston Globe? The NFB of MA President calls out the presidents of
institutions of higher education in MA that serve on ACE's board. You can
read that at http://bit.ly/1tsYVh8. Even better, NABS has started a Twitter
frenzy. Join them and tweet @ACEducation about President Riccobono's blog
post or Kyle's op-ed, or express your outrage with something short like,
"@ACEducation, why do you oppose accessibility guidelines? Equal access for
blind students." If you're super busy, simply retweet a blind student like
Sarah Patnaude (@Sarah2346) who said: "@ACEducation @AASCU: why make it
harder for blind students by opposing #accessibility guidelines? #TEACHAct
http://ow.ly/3qfxnC." We have heard through the grapevine that we have
gotten ACE's attention - let's keep the TEACH Act on their radar!
Let's keep making noise,
Lauren McLarney
Government Affairs Specialist
National Federation of the Blind
200 East Wells Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
410.659.9314 ext. 2
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