[Nfbmt] Please take a quick questionnaire on the accessibility of services

Bruce&Joy Breslauer breslauerj at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 16:26:40 UTC 2015

Dear Joy,

Thank you for the work you do, for representing the rights of people in the
blind, deaf-blind and partially sighted community.

I'm reaching out to you in hopes you'll help T-Base Communications draw
attention to the level of accessibility for consumers who are blind,
deaf-blind or partially sighted.


At T-Base Communications, we specialize in producing accessible documents and
statements on behalf of North America's largest corporations and education
providers. And this year we invited our customers to ask us questions about
providing their customers with accessible communications, which we've been
answering through our  <http://www.tbase.com/blog/introducing-ask-t-base>
Ask-T-Base program. 


Judging by the large volume of questions we've received, our customers-the
corporate community -certainly want to know how to improve the user
experience. So, we've decided to turn the tables and ask consumers who are
blind, deaf-blind and partially sighted about their experience receiving
accessible information from their various service providers.  


What we've done is put together a few questionnaires, each taking less than 5
minutes to complete, asking about experiences obtaining accessible statements
and bills, from call centers, in-branch/in-store and online. The end result
will be a final report to share with our corporate customers and with
end-user consumers across North America.   


In fact, our main goal in crowdsourcing this feedback and sharing it with our
customers is to ultimately help calibrate the user experience. The truth is
we could use a powerful voice like yours. We need to reach as many people as
possible; with sufficient participation we'll have statistically sound


First, if you are a consumer who is blind, deaf-blind or partially sighted,
share your personal experience with us.


Regardless of whether or not you're a member of the blind community, I ask
for your support in the following ways as well:


1.    Share our initiative on social media with your followers. You can do so
by simply going to our social media properties and sharing our tweets and
status updates on the following properties:


 <https://www.facebook.com/TBaseCommunity/posts/1598768563679059> Facebook

 <https://twitter.com/TBaseComm/status/646346611132489728> Twitter


2.    Invite friends and colleagues to participate. Simply copy and paste the
text below in an email, and include the link to the questionnaires. 


(Feel free to alter or add to this message when sending it out, but be sure
to include the link to the questionnaire!) 


If you're a consumer in North America needing alternate formats, please
provide feedback on your experience obtaining them.
Access the questionnaire or call 1-800-563-0668 Ext. 1229 to receive the
questionnaire in an alternate format of your choice.   


Thank you in advance. Please don't hesitate to contact me at
<mailto:sharlyn at tbase.com> sharlyn at tbase.com if you have any questions or
would like to chat further.  You can reach me on
<https://www.facebook.com/SharlynAyotte?fref=ts> Facebook and
<https://twitter.com/blindambition> Twitter as well.


Have a great day! 


Sharlyn Ayotte 

Consumer Engagement Officer 

T-Base Communications

Phone: 613-236-0866 | Toll free: 1-800-563-0668

www.tbase.com <http://www.tbase.com/>  | Ogdensburg, NY | Ottawa, ON

Have questions? We have answers. Just ask us! #asktbase



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