[Nfbmt] NFB President’s Notebook - week of 03/28/2016
Bruce&Joy Breslauer
breslauerj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 23:41:42 UTC 2016
President’s Notebook
National Federation of the Blind
Mark A. Riccobono
officeofthepresident at nfb.org
(410) 659-9314
Dear Fellow Federationists,
One of our key communication tools is our website. We have recently been working to build our <https://nfb.org/vonb-blog> Voice of the Nation's Blind blog. I encourage you to follow posts to this blog and to link to it in affiliate web and social media spaces. The more interconnectivity we have in our organizational presence online, the stronger our content will be in online searches.
I will be traveling on Federation business much of the next two weeks, including visits to the conventions of our Mississippi and New Mexico affiliates. If you have urgent items for my attention, please be sure to flag your correspondence so they do not get lost in the inbox.
Critical Actions This Week:
Final Push for NFB Scholarship Applicants:
The deadline to submit applications for the scholarship program is Thursday, March 31. Please encourage students to get their form and backup documentation submitted before then. Go to www.nfb.org/scholarships for details.
Blind Parents Needed:
As you know, the National Federation of the Blind is the leading advocate for the rights of blind parents and the largest resource network for blind people who are considering being parents. We are continuing to build our resources in the area of blind parents, and the next step is to formalize a program of mentoring for blind parents. If you or other members of your affiliate would be interested in being a mentor to a future blind parent or to a current blind parent seeking support, please send an email to Melissa Riccobono at parenting at nfb.org Remember that when we say parents we also mean grandparents or guardians of all types. Mentors will follow up with individuals they are assigned to mentor, and will be asked for ideas about other resources needed to strengthen the network of education, support, and advocacy that is the National Federation of the Blind.
Seeking Recommendations:
As you may also know, the National Federation of the Blind has, for some time, had a Committee on Automobile and Pedestrian Safety. This committee provided significant grassroots guidance and engagement to secure the passage of the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act and follow-up work on the still pending regulations. As most of the regulatory work in this area is done, I am seeking to reconstitute the committee to examine other pedestrian issues that might be of interest to the members of the Federation and require action. Please send me names of individuals in your affiliate that would be good candidates to serve on this committee due to their interest in working on pedestrian issues. I would like to complete the committee appointments soon, so please give this some immediate thought and send your recommendations to me by April 4. Please be sure to include contact information for those whom you recommend.
Rose Sloan has accepted a position beginning April 18, 2016, at the United States Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy. Rose will, of course, remain an active NFB member, but we will need to fill her position. As such, effective today, we are recruiting for a government affairs specialist. If you would like to apply, please send your resume and cover letter to Bridgid Burke at bburke at nfb.org. For more information on the position, please go to https://nfb.org/government-affairs-specialist.
This week's video has been posted at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ncVyVcAG9o. It features Austin and me constructing a LEGO building together.
I want to thank all Federationists across the nation who have contacted their representatives and senators about our space available legislation. Here is what Federationist Shelia Wright said in an email to a senate staffer a few days ago:
Thank you for speaking with me about S 2596 regarding the Space-A program and incorporating this language into the NDAA. We are hopeful Senator Blunt will help resolve the exclusion of some 100% service connected veterans that served so valiantly for our country. They did not have the opportunity to serve 20 years because their disability occurred while in service which resulted in their being medically discharged before they qualified to retire.
Attached is a copy of our NFB’s legislative fact sheet concerning this issue. We certainly would appreciate the Senator’s support.
Please let me know if you need any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you.
Shelia Wright, First Vice President
National Federation of the Blind of Missouri
Then, there are Federation allies who are contacting Congressional leaders as well. Here is a recent email from former Senator Bob Dole to Senator John McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee:
Last November, I sent you a letter regarding the Space Available program, which enables eligible passengers to fill unused seats on DoD owned or controlled aircraft once all active duty passengers and cargo have been accommodated. Since November, S. 2596 was introduced by Senator Heller – allowing 100% service disabled veterans to participate in the Space Available program.
I hope you might be able to incorporate the language of S. 2596 into the FY 17 National Defense Authorization Act.
John, thanks for your continued service to our nation’s heroes. I appreciate your consideration.
The Senate will be in recess for another week and the House for two more weeks. The phone number for the Capitol Switchboard is (202) 224-3121. Keep up the good work!
Dates to Keep in Mind:
· March 31: NFB Scholarship Program application deadline, https://nfb.org/scholarships
· March 31-April 1: 2016 Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium <https://nfb.org/law-symposium> ; “Diversity in the Disability Rights Movement: Working Together to Achieve the Right to Live in the World”
· April 15: Dr. Jacob Bolotin Award Program nomination deadline, https://nfb.org/bolotin-award-main
· April 15: Kenneth Jernigan Convention Scholarship Fund deadline, https://nfb.org/images/nfb/publications/bm/bm16/bm1603/bm160310.htm.
· April 25: NFB EQ student application deadline, https://nfb.org/nfb-eq-form
· May 1: Distinguished Educator of Blind Students Award application deadline
· May 17-20: BLAST, Chicago
· May 19-21: NFB STEM2U Minneapolis
· May 21-26: International Council on English Braille 6th General Assembly
· June 7: NFB EQ teacher application deadline, https://nfb.org/nfb-eq-teacher-application
· June 19-25: NFB EQ (first iteration)
· June 30-July 5: National Federation of the Blind Convention, Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando, Florida
· July 31-August 6: NFB EQ (second iteration)
· August 2-6: NFB EQ teacher cohort
· August 18-25: WBU and ICEVI General Assembly, Rosen Centre, Orlando, Florida, www.wbu-icevi2016.org
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
Mark A. Riccobono, President
National Federation of the Blind
200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Phone: (410) 659-9314
Fax: (410) 659-5129
Email: officeofthepresident at nfb.org
Twitter: @Riccobono and @NFB_Voice
Web: <http://www.nfb.org/> www.nfb.org
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