[Nfbmt] MTBL patron survey

Denise J Moses denisejmoses at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 19:58:42 UTC 2016

Hi Joy,
I clicked on the link & took the survey.
Denise Moses

-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbmt [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Bruce&Joy
Breslauer via Nfbmt
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 1:17 PM
To: nfbmt 
Cc: Bruce&Joy Breslauer
Subject: [Nfbmt] MTBL patron survey

See below.  Joy, El Presidente 


From: Briggs, Christie [mailto:cbriggs at mt.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 12:42 PM
To: Bruce&Joy Breslauer
Subject: MTBL patron survey


Hi Joy,


Would you be willing to send an email to the NFB-MT members and request that
those members that are also patrons of the MTBL complete a patron survey? 

There are several options for MTBL patrons to complete the survey:

1.      Complete an online survey  

2.      E-mail the completed survey (attached) to MTBL

3.      Call MTBL for assistance over the phone

4.      Print the attached survey documents (pages 1& 2) and return them to
MTBL in the pre-addressed return mailer (page 2)

I have included instructions below.


Patron Survey of MT Talking Book Library Services

We would appreciate patrons of the library to complete a patron survey
regarding our services. There are several ways to do this.

For internet users, go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/mtblsurvey2016.

You can complete the attached survey document and email it to: mtbl at mt.gov

You can call MTBL at 1-800-332-3400 (toll-free in-state) or 406-444-2064 and
a staff person will assist you in completing the survey

You can print the attached survey documents (page 1- survey; page 2-
pre-addressed free-matter return mailer) and return them to MTBL by taping
page 1 inside of page 2.

Thank you for helping us improve our services and consider new ideas.


Please let me know.

Thank you,




Christie Briggs

Supervisor/Regional Librarian

Montana Talking Book Library

 <mailto:cbriggs at mt.gov> cbriggs at mt.gov 1-406-444-5399 (direct/vm)

1-800-332-3400 (in-state toll-free)

Web: http://tbl.msl.gov/



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