[NFBMT] EBRS Voter Frequently Asked Questions

BRUCE&JOY BRESLAUER breslauerj at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 09:32:24 UTC 2018



Office of Montana Secretary of State Electronic Ballot Request System (EBRS)
Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is the Electronic Ballot Request System(EBRS)?

A: The EBRS is an online system designed to allow Montana voters with
disabilities the option to apply for an absentee ballot, and access and mark
their ballot electronically.


Q: Who can use the EBRS?

A: A registered voter who meets the definition of an individual with a
disability as defined in State Law: 


"Disability" means a temporary or permanent physical impairment such as:

(a) impaired vision;

(b) impaired hearing; or

(c)impaired mobility. 


Individuals having impaired mobility include those who require use of a
wheelchair and those who are ambulatory but are physically impaired because
of age, disability, or disease. 

Voters must affirm their qualifications and eligibility as a voter with a
disability and enter a residential address that can be matched with a Montana
ballot type before they can access and mark a ballot.


Q: Can someone who is not registered to vote use the EBRS?

A: A qualified individual who is not yet registered to vote may access a
voter registration application on the EBRS, but must print the application
and mail or deliver it in person to the county election office. A ballot
cannot be accessed from the EBRS until the county election office processes
the voter registration application.


Q: How do I access the EBRS?

A: A voter can access the EBRS from the Secretary of State's website at 



Q: When can I request an absentee ballot using the EBRS?

A: Beginning 30 days before election day and ending at noon the day before
election day.


Q: Which elections can the EBRS be used to vote in?

A: The EBRS is available only for federal primary elections, federal general
elections, and federal special elections.


Q: How can a voter with a disability vote electronically in other elections?

A: Voters with disabilities may contact their county election administrator
to request an electronic ballot for elections other than the federal primary,
federal general, and federal special elections. This ballot is emailed to the
voter. However, as is the case with EBRS ballots, the ballot cannot be
submitted electronically.


Q: How do I know that the county election office received my electronic
ballot request?

A: You will receive an email notifying you that your ballot request was


Q:  What does the ballot look like?

A: The EBRS has been configured with ballot information for every county in
Montana. The ballot the voter accesses online will look very similar to
standard, county-issued ballots. 


Q: How do I mark my ballot?


A: Depending on the type of device being used, an electronic ballot can be
marked by touch screen, mouse, or keyboard.


Q: What if I cannot sign my ballot materials?

A: Voters with disabilities that cannot provide a signature may use a mark or
fingerprint, may have an election judge or friend sign for them, may use a
Designated Agent to sign for them, or provide their driver's license number
or last 4 of social security number in lieu of a signature.


Q: How can I submit my voted ballot?

A: You may either mail, with postage affixed, or deliver your ballot in


Q: Can I submit my voted ballot via email or fax to the county election

A: No, the law requires you to mail, with postage affixed, or deliver your
ballot in person.


Q: Can I bring my completed electronic ballot to my polling place on election

A: You may deposit your ballot, along with the transmittal coversheet,
secrecy envelope template, and signature envelope template, at any polling
place in your county or at the county election office.


Q:  How will I know my ballot has been received by the county election

A: You can track your ballot online at 

My Voter Page,


contact your county election administrator.


Q: Once I receive a PIN to access my ballot, how long do I have to access it?

A: The system will be available to access your ballot using the PIN provided
until 8:00 PM on election day. However, you must ensure your ballot is at a
polling place in your county or the county election office before 8:00 PM on
election day.


Q: I changed my mind about my ballot. Can I redo it?

A: You can use the PIN provided to re-access your ballot. Any ballot markings
previously made will not be saved when you re-access your ballot, but you
will be able to mark a new ballot. Keep in mind that you may only send one
voted ballot to your county election administrator. If you have already
mailed or delivered your voted ballot, you cannot vote another one if you
made a mistake or changed your mind.


Q:  When do I have to submit my ballot?

A: Your ballot must be received at a polling place in your county or your
county election office by 8:00 PM on election day. 


Q: Who may I contact with additional questions or concerns about the EBRS?

A: Contact the Secretary of State's Office (406)444-7911, toll free
888-884-8683, or 

soselections at mt.gov.

Updated April25, 2017


Joy Breslauer, President

National Federation of the Blind of Montana 

Web Site: http://www.nfbofmt.org <http://www.nfbofmt.org/> 


Live the life you want


The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work
together to help blind people live the lives they want. 


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