[NFBMT] Sub-Minimum Wage Employers Pushing Back

Jim Marks blind.grizzly at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 15:41:46 UTC 2018

Hi Sheila,

You speak truth because you've been there.  We in the NFB-MT greatly respect
how you've personally helped bring the issue of sub-minimum wages to the
forefront.  Thank you!

Yes, I know of multiple cases in which very serious oppression was used by
sub-minimum wage proponents to force workers with disabilities into
sub-minimum wage and segregated jobs.  Such abuse needs to go the way of the
dinosaur.  The moral high ground is ours, and we must relentlessly press for
the change we seek.  High expectations and integration will become the norm.


Jim Marks
Blind.grizzly at gmail.com
(406) 438-1421

-----Original Message-----
From: NFBMT [mailto:nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Sheila via NFBMT
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2018 2:49 PM
To: 'NFB of Montana Discussion List' <nfbmt at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Sheila <sheila.leigland at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NFBMT] Sub-Minimum Wage Employers Pushing Back

Hi Jim as you know I'm strongly in favor of the repeal of 14 c  I don't
believe from my own observations that many people that work in these
sheltered shops are given any since of real freedom of choice. Someone once
told me that people working under these conditions are to be treated with
the respect due to high government officials and that is not even close to
my experience. I saw condescension  and browbeating and if not compliant if
standing up for their rights, accusations of blackmail weren't uncommon.

-----Original Message-----
From: NFBMT <nfbmt-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Jim Marks via NFBMT
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2018 10:38 AM
To: 'NFB of Montana Discussion List' <nfbmt at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Jim Marks <blind.grizzly at gmail.com>
Subject: [NFBMT] Sub-Minimum Wage Employers Pushing Back

FYI, here is a letter from sub-minimum wage employers to the US Department
of Labor.  They want to preserve the part of the federal labor law that lets
employers hire people with disabilities for non-competitive, non-integrated


2018.05.21 Letter to DOL from Sheltered Workshops.pdf


The Honorable Alexander R. Acosta Secretary 


Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210 

May 21, 2018 

Dear Secretary Acosta: 

We are writing about the critically important issue of preserving employment
and job training opportunities for hundreds of thousands of Americans with

intellectual and developmental disabilities. For over 80 years, Section
14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act has played an essential role in

employment and training opportunities to men and women with intellectual and
developmental disabilities. 

Section 14(c) permits employers to receive a certificate from the Department
of Labor allowing them to pay individuals with disabilities a specialized

wage based on the individual’s ability to perform the job. Thus, Section
14(c) strikes an important balance. It encourages employers to hire

with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities, while
preventing discrimination and abuse by requiring the employer to pay the

a wage commensurate to the prevailing wage for the job, taking into account
that individual’s abilities. The specialized wage must conform to the

regulations, be reviewed regularly by the employer, and adjusted as the
individual’s ability to perform the job changes. 

Thousands of individuals across the country are currently employed under
Section 14(c). Many are employed by work centers specifically designed to

these men and women with experience and an employment path that will enable
them to obtain competitive integrated employment. Many work centers are

entities whose sole purpose is to serve individuals with developmental
disabilities. The elimination of Section 14(c) would cause many of these
work centers

to close because they cannot afford to pay the men and women they serve the
minimum wage. Those advocating the repeal of Section 14(c) seem to believe

that the individuals served by these work centers would simply find
competitive integrated employment to replace their work at the work centers.

these advocates provide no empirical evidence supporting this assertion. 

Unemployment among individuals with intellectual and developmental
disabilities is extremely high. Only 20 percent of individuals with
disabilities participate

in the labor force. The percentage is even lower for those with intellectual
and developmental disabilities. This is a very diverse population with a

range of abilities. Many have medical or behavioral 

301899734 v1 May 8, 2018 


challenges that preclude competitive integrated employment. For many men and
women with intellectual and developmental disabilities, employment is not

about the money they earn. Rather, they prefer the feeling of safety, the
opportunity to work alongside friends, the atmosphere of kindness and

freedom from being teased or picked on, assistance with personal needs upon
request, supervised administration of medications and the wonderful sense of

self-worth provided by a quality work center. There is no “one size fits
all” solution when it comes to employment of individuals with intellectual

developmental disabilities. 

For the men and women who choose and are fortunate to have competitive,
integrated employment, such employment is typically for 20 hours or less a

Many are employed during the rest of their week at work centers at a
specialized wage continuing to receive experience that will enhance their
skills and

enable them to expand their opportunities for competitive integrated
employment. If work centers close because they can no longer pay a
specialized wage,

how will individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities spend
their time? Instead of the experience they gain at work centers, they will

be at home watching TV, shopping at the mall, or going to the movies. Rather
than helping individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities,

the elimination of Section 14(c) would cause them serious harm. 

No comprehensive study has been done to show that the elimination of Section
14(c) will improve the lives of the men and women with intellectual and

disabilities. A preliminary analysis of the few states that have prohibited
specialized wages or closed work centers indicates that these initiatives

caused more harm than good to this population. One article noted that: “Over
the past ten years, several states have either closed or placed significant

limits on the use of sheltered workshops, but none of these states have done
an adequate job of ascertaining whether these actions actually enhanced the

quality of life for the individuals affected.” Spreat, Challenges of
Employment First, Social Improvement Journal, 23 March 2017, p. 3 (emphasis

Spreat found that the reduced time spent in work centers: 

was not replaced with a corollary increase in the use of more integrated
forms of employment. The more integrated forms of employment remained

stable over the 15 years. So where did the individuals working in sheltered
workshops go? Interviews with persons in the Oklahoma system indicated that

these individuals were essentially unemployed, engaging in made-up day
activities. Staff in Oklahoma homes pejoratively refer to this process as

quest, indicating that there was a daily quest to find an option that would
occupy each unemployed individual. An additional troubling finding of the

was that, not only had a large number of individuals apparently fallen into
unemployment, the number of hours worked by this sample fell by almost 50%.




Id. (emphasis added). 

Clearly, a longstanding and successful federal policy which in the last 80
years has resulted in employment and job training for millions of men and

with intellectual and developmental disabilities should not be discontinued
without compelling fact-based evidence that such a step would actually

the lives of these individuals. 

Those advocating the elimination of Section 14(c) point to instances where
employers have misused the section and have violated the Department of

regulations. The answer to such abuses is to strictly enforce Section 14(c)
and prosecute the violators, not to eliminate the section. The undersigned

organizations abhor any abuse of Section 14(c) or individuals with
intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

As noted above, the elimination of Section 14(c) would result in the closing
of many work centers across the country. Many individuals with intellectual

and developmental disabilities prefer to spend their days in such centers
with their peers for the reasons stated above. Like every other citizen, the

choices of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
should be honored. Those of us who are not disabled get to choose how and

to spend our days. This same right should be preserved for the men and women
who are developmentally disabled. Eliminating Section 14(c) would eliminate

one option that over the years millions of men and women have chosen and are
satisfied with. Those who prefer competitive integrated employment should

have that opportunity. Those who prefer work centers should be equally

We look forward to a continuing dialogue with you on this important issue.
Correspondence can be addressed to Scott Mendel at scott.mendel at klgates.com

or by mail to Scott Mendel, Chairman, Together for Choice, 2825 Knollwood
Lane, Glenview, IL 60025. 


Together for Choice (NV) VOR (IL) EASI Foundation: Ending Aggression and
Self-Injury in the Developmentally Disabled (PA) Advocates for Community

(MO) Special Moms Network LLC (NY) Casa de Amma (CA) Point Rider (TX)
Camping Unlimited for the Developmentally Disabled (CA) Homes for Life

(DE) Elevare Community (CA) 



Benjamin’s Hope (MI) Noah Homes (CA) Kansas Neurological Institute (KNI)
Parent Guardian Group (KS) Keeping Individuals with Intellectual

Safe (KIIDS) (PA) The DD News Blog (MI) Osprey Village (SC) Blue Spruce
Community (CO) Opportunity Village (NV) The Arc Jacksonville (FL) 29 Acres

Marbridge Foundation (TX) Live Oak Living Community (TX) Ohio Coalition for
Person-Centered Planning (OH) Misericordia Home (IL) Good Shepherd Manor

Families & Friends of Care Facility Residents (FF-CFR) (AR) Murray Parents’
Association (IL) Eternity Enterprises and Consulting (VA) Vanguard Landing

(VA) The Southbury Training School Foundation (CT) The Home and School
Association of Southbury Training School (CT) 

MARC (TX) Daymark Living (TX) My Possibilities (TX) My Home My Life (TX)
Living Unlimited (PA) Admiralty Group Coalition for Community Choice (MD)

Baddour Center (MS) MARC, Inc. (NC) Hearts ‘n’ Hands Work Enrichment (CO)
Webster Enterprises (NC) Polk Vocational Services (NC) Industrial

Inc. (NC) Haywood Vocational Opportunities (NC) Transylvania Vocational
Services (NC) Beaufort County Developmental Ctr. (NC) Johnston County

(NC) Foothills Industries (NC) Ashe County ADAP (NC) 



Watauga Opportunities, Inc. (NC) SpArc Philadelphia (PA) San Gabriel Valley
Training Center (CA) Park Lawn Assoc. (IL) Keystone Community Resources (PA)

Keystone Independent Living (PA) A Team Nevada (NV) Trinity Services, Inc.
(IL) Challenge Unlimited, Inc. (IL) Association for Individuals with

Disabilities (NJ) Green Brook Regional Center Family and Friends Assoc. (NJ)
Little City Foundation (IL) Bridges Rehabilitation Services (OH) ELIM

Services (IL) Sertoma Centre, Inc. (IL) Annendale Village (GA) College
Living Experience (TX) Independent Living Experience (TX) Kristin Farmer

Center (TX) Hope Village (TX) Abilities Unlimited of Hot Springs, AR (AR)
Handi-Crafters, Inc. (PA) Mount Saint Joseph Assoc. (IL) MARVA Workshop,

(AR) Disability Service Provider Network (WI) Mission Independence
Brightstone (TN) Polk County Developmental Center (AR) Noah’s Ark of Central

(FL) Lambs Farm (IL) UCP Nevada (NV) Stepping Stone (AR) Black Hills A Team
(SD) St. Louis Life (MO) Pathfinder Village (NY) Brookwood Community (TX)

Center (WI) Kandu Ind. (WI) 



Northwoods, Inc. (WI) Chippewa River Ind. (WI) Reach Inc. (WI) Threshold
(WI) New Hope Center (WI) Lakeside Packaging Plus (WI) RCS Empowers Inc.

Valley Packaging Ind. (WI) VARC, Inc. (WI) Triform Camphill Community (NY)
Promise in Brevard (FL) A Team South Dakota (SD) Opportunities, Inc. (WI)

(WI) Abilities Unlimited of Magnolia, AR (AR) Pantheon Industries (WI)
Opportunity Center (WI) 


Patrick M. Mannix, Senior Advisor, DOL-ODEP Jennifer Sheehy, Deputy
Assistant Secretary, DOL-ODEP Katherine Brunett McGuire, Assistant Secretary

and Intergovernmental 




Jim Marks

Blind.grizzly at gmail.com <mailto:Blind.grizzly at gmail.com> 

(406) 438-1421


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