[NFBMT] The Bell Academy Song

BRUCE&JOY BRESLAUER breslauerj at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 13:53:29 UTC 2018

The Bell Academy Song


We’re learning to read and write in Braille.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

We’re learning to read and write in Braille.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

We’re learning to read and write in Braille.  It takes six dots to form a cell 

As we all go down to the Bell Academy.


We’re learning how to use our canes.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

We’re learning how to use our brains.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

We’re learning ow to use our canes, And with them our independence gain 

As we all go down to the Bell Academy.


We’re putting on our learning shades.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

We’re putting on our learning shades.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

We’re putting on our learning shades.  We’ll need these skills if our vision fades,

As we all go down to the Bell Academy.


When day is done, we ring our bells.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

When day is done, we ring our bells.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

When day is done, we ring our bells, and at the end our stories tell

As we all go down to the Bell Academy.


We’re blind, but we are just like you.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

We’re blind, but we are just like you.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

We’re blind, but we are just like you.  It’s not what we can see, but what we can do 

As we all go down to the Bell Academy.  


Our vision is not what we lack.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

Our vision is not what we lack.  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

Our vision is not what we lack.  Our blindness will not hold us back

As we all go down to the Bell Academy. 


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Available until Jul 22, 2018




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