[NFBMT] State Administration and Veterans Affairs Interim Committee meets September 6
breslauerj at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 17:52:47 UTC 2018
Hello, fellow Montana Federationists.
I have excerpted the part of this email that might interest some of you.
Hopefully you can listen to the live stream. Joy
From: Sheri Scurr <sscurr at mt.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 11:43 AM
Subject: State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee Meets
Sept. 6
News about the Montana Legislature that is timely and relevant.
Committee to Receive Briefings on VA Health Care System and Election Security
snip snip
Additionally, the committee will review laws in other states on who may
access voter information files, receive an update on election security
activities in Montana and the potential uses of Montana's $3 million in
federal grant money for elections, and consider a study bill for next interim
on updating Montana's laws concerning accessible voting technology for
electors with disabilities.
The Sept. 6 meeting starts at 9 a.m. in room 172 of the Capitol in Helena.
The complete agenda and meeting materials are available online at the
committee's meeting page. Additionally, the meeting will be streamed live at
the Montana Legislature's website and may be broadcast on Television Montana
(TVMT). Check your local channel listings to find TVMT in your area.
Committee website:
Committee staff: Sheri Scurr, 406-444-3596 or sscurr at mt.gov
snip snip
Joy Breslauer, President
National Federation of the Blind of Montana
Web Site: http://www.nfbofmt.org <http://www.nfbofmt.org/>
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