[NFBMT] Montana Legislative Alert: HB 439

Rik James rixmix2009 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 06:42:14 UTC 2019

Greetings fellow NFB of Montana members.
Rik posted this to the Senate Judiciary Committee this evening:

I am sorry, but I really see no reason to support this bill, HR 439, as it
is currently drafted. I feel that it is pretty much kicking dust in the face
of those who already have a tough time of it. A service animal is
invaluable, and this resolution points fingers, unnecessarily, at those who
have not been proven to be disrupting the genearal well being of society.
Perhaps there are some, who have proposed this, who have observed isolated
incidences of wrongful use. But I only see this bill as causing much more
misunderstanding, and trouble for the legitimate service animal users.
Please do not pass this. Or if you do, please change its language. I could
see it doing some real good if the bill, HR 439, were to include penalties
for public accommodation authorities who refuse services to those using
genuine service animals. I could get behind that. Please consider my
comments when considering this bill. 
And in the future, please consider consulting members of our Montana
community, who are experienced and knowledgeable service animal users, such
as we have among the membership in the Montana group, The National
Federation of the Blind of Montana.
Thank you.

### end.

Below is the information supplied earlier on this list, should you have time
and wish to also communicate to the legislature on this issue.

On Wednesday, April 10, At 9:00, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear HB
439, "Revise laws related to misrepresented service animals." This bill
establishes graduated penalties for an individual who intentionally
misrepresents an animal as a service animal. This bill will be heard in room


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