[NFBMT] Urgent Alert: HB 468 Hearing At 8:00 A.M., February 19. Help Support Competitive, Integrated Employment for People with Disabilities

BRUCE&JOY BRESLAUER breslauerj at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 12:12:01 UTC 2019

Sheila and I are going to Helena today to support this.  Please send in your testimony as well.  This is something we have long waited for, and if this passes, it could mean the start of real change in employment opportunities for people with disabilities.  Joy  


From: Montana Centers for Independent Living <mtcil at summitilc.org> 
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 8:03 PM
To: breslauerj at gmail.com
Subject: Urgent Alert: HB 468 Hearing At 8:00 A.M., February 19. Help Support Competitive, Integrated Employment for People with Disabilities



 Submit Testimony Now! <http://cqrcengage.com/mtcil/app/take-action?engagementId=496906&ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxgHhwocPgRP5kgH8h355s_FSFHhU1kMrQ7WWiCQpKclQjKBB8xzjPBGMCskFXSUJ_yTCRA8va7iPCAjNlb4qROw4OEEvZZ0OzovlusYzxK0s&lp=0>  

Our apologies for the late notice but there is an important hearing on Tuesday morning, February 19. Starting at 8:00 a.m. <http://cqrcengage.com/mtcil/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxYMqSxdW-hFjo0yFWNdMF_IjSgZulkMgLPTHkf_77OX0rZHfryjjiDSDLoHpaDWJQDFdNH9gXnC8T33L6Z1WrgmiVG-KqHKcNXbfWfAAjDdrGgcrZsj3Vkl5PXM-mN_adkZ_I7nzO7aqefk_-53NABGdbPnw9VRf6SpPN5_7epYGy5uAtrtRmSeVEQDywkBdbBr3M4VvuwQMRRJfv76i-0LNPUWP3n_q6uKcbE17lWuKYEH6GF5mEoQuNPB7dAR4Y&lp=0> , the House Business and Labor Committee <http://cqrcengage.com/mtcil/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxyUluOScc1Orzw5gwAFl_KKT8v-TcSBfKbr4skrrKYV0stN2DhxRHvwfi_UlCy1fIALceOAZSg5hhoAoDS6z5nvGksUjo6Z5eGOk9zQOea_6t1P0vzIW0pVFuyT9fNFgGTXiFad2dMyPmJYqlrcgi1YIl6C5faU9A9411jcnVTJSvUc0vpmwUqdlUkQOfH-EgYQTH7oup-lOfOPwrlHUxrLL0TUZwjwdk35ofgzIRjcSJNqboqi3nL-k2HTYWKqXQczUKwIGaLnxcleZKpST3am4-mXTZgPsNrBhIhnc896M&lp=0>  will hold a hearing on HB 468 <http://cqrcengage.com/mtcil/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAx1_VIE4wraaBfU7iPHinTgH9lIkG-FcE69CB-_l4Tq49pz4EymKjH4DIV3Q_pwg8YJulDugh-LOtHfx3M5Z4_W1kPffoyrm2HiBkLJYTSH-NHdapI-gewR_4pT_B6R2fFq1dnxwitFyKPn5vk3qOcbYr2JiT3s6gYIQLi65PMDAhL50ZQo4OkHp6CSufLds2K2uAomBvuhBJ5bDsyePpB6X_OslSkb2NSoves6Ffjfmy0j3tBUgetgI9ZfAQ-ckv6IyJ2RqOA-yiH5mP8gCdwZSE8E3Xc9ZTpbljjoP7JdgByH53hMY-rROlT3Qvy3Xdj0tMlJPR_efc0Y8cFe9ijg4BUcw_U2R4mZW7NJa3DBU0&lp=0> , a bill that seeks to involve state agencies in disability integrated employment programs. HB 468 will be heard in room 172 of the Capitol building in Helena <http://cqrcengage.com/mtcil/app/thru?ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxtvEMoeSOKFKVqI0OAhMyeWLzb-b5ArFbpnXDm_VL6_3N7LNwn8VdJlNBsW9v1BOhyl2-S9R9O0ueMKUh3sTjTYCDrEzgUlsk-CdZTaCLrTqHgXYd4P6lHs1ZJjyQXhqfzDCxsQd08jUGmShWCfVoZor7jzap1Zp0iAGuUsy6LwlI28Zv9wZ5Ir52Bttp4qkCewf1Hryfd_HZ3QNb90O27Tq2o6vDeXvtOBXbyHv-_mP4KKLeWfMp3TkBZc6CWRuv&lp=0> .

HB 468 would make it so that the Department of Labor and Industry, the Department of Public Health and Human Services, and the Office of Public Instruction work together to develop a coordinated plan to implement methods or procedures intended to promote competitive, integrated employment for people with disabilities who are of working age.

The inclusion of individuals with disabilities in competitive, integrated employment has been a long-standing goal of Montana's Centers for Independent Living and HB 468 would help to ensure the process is in place so that real meaningful change can start happening in pursuit of that goal. For far too long, many individuals with disabilities have been shoved aside into sheltered workshop or segregated work environments where, often, they are paid less than minimum wage. This is a travesty, no one, regardless of disability, should have to work for less than minimum wage.

In July 2014, then Pres. Obama, signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which primarily focused on assisting jobseekers and workers with and without disabilities to succeed in the labor market, required states to engage in a unified strategic planning process, and introduce new opportunities for support for jobseekers with disabilities. HB 468, if passed, would help Montana in its pursuit of goals laid out under WIOA to increase the participation of people with disabilities in competitive, integrated employment and help to really focus on vocational rehabilitation outcomes on competitive integrated employment and promote greater emphasis on transitional services for youth with disabilities.

Please contact members of the House Business and Labor Committee and ask them for their support of HB 468 so that Montana can take the steps it needs to take in order to seriously start working towards giving people with disabilities a real opportunity to participate in the competitive, integrated job market. It is time people with disabilities be considered viable potential employees and no longer hidden away, paid pennies on the dollar.

We have prewritten message for you but please personalize your message to let committee members know why HB 468 and the inclusion of people with disabilities and competitive, integrated employment is important to you.

 Submit Testimony Now! <http://cqrcengage.com/mtcil/app/take-action?engagementId=496906&ep=AAAAC2Flc0NpcGhlcjAxkWdt0jrb4_COT-85goxO92tg2JwjYgxb5zs-SKH3JNKprK-cn7ijIo4IG-4pIfBNXhaBJcXXCQRrAGCEJprD2D-FV5lKUn4sJTU1M2fd7ds&lp=0>  


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