[NFBMT] Bullock Temporarily Stops Evictions, Foreclosures and Cancellation of Utilities

BRUCE&JOY BRESLAUER breslauerj at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 04:20:46 UTC 2020

From: Governor Bullock <governor at mt.gov> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 8:57 PM

One of my top priorities is continuing to find ways to ease the financial hardships on Montanans from COVID-19.

That is why I have announced consumer protection measures to lessen the economic impacts on Montanans during the COVID-19 statewide emergency by stopping evictions, foreclosures and the cancellation of utility services including water, heating and internet service.

For the duration of the Directive, landlords are prohibited from terminating a lease or refusing to renew or extend the terms of a current lease agreement, on at least a month-to-month basis.

It also prohibits late fees or other penalties due to late or nonpayment of rent and prohibits rent increases except for those previously agreed upon. It also prohibits landlords from seeking damages in court due to nonpayment of rent.

The Directive also stops involuntary sales of homes, foreclosures, liens placed on residential properties or late fees charged due to inability to pay mortgage payments on time for the duration of the Directive.

This Directive does not relieve tenants from paying rent or borrowers from paying mortgages or other financial obligations related to homeownership.

Additionally, the Directive prohibits suspension of utilities during the emergency, including electricity, gas, sewage disposal, water, telephone, or internet services, and prohibits late fees for bills due during the Directive.

Finally, the Directive also requires public housing authorities to extend deadlines for housing assistance recipients.

The federal CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) passed by Congress on Friday includes additional funding for the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), which helps low-income households with heating homes, weatherization, and energy-related low-cost home repairs or replacements. LIEAP in Montana is administered by DPHHS. To apply for LIEAP, contact your local LIEAP (Human Resource Development Council) offices, call 1-833-317-1080 or visit the state’s LIHEAP website at  <http://www.lieap.mt.gov/> www.lieap.mt.gov.

You can review my full Directive online  <https://covid19.mt.gov/Portals/223/Documents/Evictions%20Foreclosures%20and%20Utilities.pdf?ver=2020-03-31-173032-787> HERE.

So long as this virus forces Montanans to stay home to save lives, Montanans need a home to stay in and the essential utilities to live. This order ensures that a loss of income won’t lead to Montanans losing their homes or having the heat or water turned off if they can’t pay the rent or make their monthly utility bill.

Thank you again for your comments to my office and your continued work to share important information with our Montana communities. It is helpful to hear from Montanans like you when I am making decisions about the future of our state.

Please continue to practice social distancing and stay at home unless it is for essential travel. Plan ahead for your essential trips in order to limit your contact with others. No gatherings. Stay 6 feet apart from others when you can. These steps will slow the spread of the virus. These steps will save lives. 

I know these are challenging times and Montanans are facing many hardships. But, I have no doubt that as Montanans, we can work together and overcome this challenge.



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