[NFBMT] please attend the Thursday, April 9 special chapter meeting at 6:00 p.m.

rixmix2009 at gmail.com rixmix2009 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 16:36:33 UTC 2020

Many of you should have received an email in the  last day or so, inviting
you to attend the Leadership & Membership Training Seminar, scheduled for
the same time as our Treasure State At-Large NFB of Montana chapter 's
monthly telephone conference meeting, which is tomorrow, Thursday, April 9,
2020, at 6:00 p.m. (Mountain time).

If you did not receive it, please look below, as I am pasting below the
complete link and numbers needed to attend the online Zoom and telephone

Also, do let me know if you attended or not. And please contact me directly,
and provide me with your email and phone contact information, so that in the
future I will have it when I need to send out announcements.

Thank you. I hope you can attend tomorrow night. I think that it may very
well provide good information, and a chance to meet some others, among your
fellow Federation family.

Also I will remind you, that one week from tomorrow, we will have our
regular chapter meeting, and we can discuss what we learned, and discuss any
number of things.

Take care, and please remain safe, and free from the current pandemic

You know, staying healthy, has never had quite the same ring to it, as it
does now.


Rik James

Bozeman, Montana

President, NFB of Montana

406 586 4123

406 451 1874

D28rik at msn.com <mailto:D28rik at msn.com> 


Topic: Relationship Building for Affiliate and Chapter Leaders

Time: Apr 9, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


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