[NFBMT] NOTICE - Treasure State Chapter Meeting - NFB of Montana - Wednesday March 11 at 6 o'clock pm

Rik James rixmix2009 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 21:26:14 UTC 2020


Greetings fellow Federationists!

If this is a pleasant sound in your ears, well, I should say, it certainly
is for me, too.

I kind of get a sense of NFB friends and family over these many years. As we
have learned, by rote, to hear such opening words spoken at countless
gatherings of the NFB.

This is your NOTICE of the NEXT telephone conference call for the At-Large
Treasure State chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Montana.

It has been changed, so please read the following: 


The time and date of the next meeting is this.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


6:00 pm


I am the reason for the change. I have a must attend KGLT meeting on
Thursday, our normal Thursday meeting night.

I did a bit of a round robin with some of you, most of who said that they
could make it. I hope that all of you can call in and catch up, listen,
participate, and join in on the conversations.


Ongoing topics will continue, as to our status with VR in Montana, the
funding of NFB-Newsline in Montana, and the goings on within our own
communities around the great treasure state. 

There have been some topics address on the listserve email discussion. Such
as voting access in Montana. With a big primary and election coming up this
year, the sooner the better we all get as best positioned to make sure each
of our votes will count.  

There are many needs for our members, and the public at larte who may not
even yet know that we exist as an organization. So I encourage you all to
come on aboard, and step into the stage coach of ongoing concerns for what
is going on, and what is yet to build, here in Montana.


When it comes to riding a stagecoach, well, I guess maybe I dropped that in,
because I was just listening to a podcast of old Gunsmoke episodes. I wonder
if any of you have any recollections from family stories about that mode of
transportation here in Montana.


The call-in information is below.

Finally, a few of us have been experimenting with the new version of using
Skype. I would like to hear how many of you could use that for our regular
meetings. Maybe we could have a smaller committee take it on as a project to
test its viability. Another one using the internet is the Zoom service that
Microsoft has. I have attended quite a few Zoom conferences in the past
months. And I think it might be something to look at.


Your chapter Secretary is likely working diligently to get the February
minutes out, even as I peck out these itsy bitsy words to you all.

So stay tuned, thank you, and I'll be looking to your phoning in next month,
on Wednesday, March 11th, at 6 o'clock.



Rik James

President, Treasure State At-Large Chapter of the National Federation of the
Blind of Montana

Bozeman, Montana

Contact me by phone at either

406 451 1874  or 

406 586 4123

d28rik at msn.com








Here are a few other Tips while in the conference:


BUTTONS on PHONE KEYPAD for Conference Participants:


*    to start the reading of commands menu.

*1   MUTE SELF - mute yourself, and unmute yourself.

*4   DOWN VOLUME (turns volume down on phone within the conference)

* 6   UP VOLUME (to turn UP volume on your line)

* 7  DOWN MIC VOLUME (your Microphone)

* 8   EXIT COMMANDS LIST (to get out of hearing the list of commands)

* 9   UP MIC VOLUME (turns UP your micophone Volume)

# - EXIT / PREVIOUS (takes you out of conference, and switch to previous )


Tips & Suggestions.


You may have some to submit yourself.


But when participating, be aware that other sounds in your environment may
come across as a noise that is distracting to others on the call. Where you
have the phone, if say your are clikcing on a keyboard, and so on, could be
heard on the call.

Some will must their phone, using Star One, but your participation is
valuable to us, so be at the ready to unmute yourself with a Star One again,
so we can get to hear you.


Some have successfuly programmed their smart phones to put this confernce
number and the access code with the needed four commas between, to have the
whole thing already in your phone. I confess, I am completly habituated to
this method. When I try to get those numbers all in, I find it is worth
getting it on to my contacts. To do this on a regular phone is also
possible, too. 


NOTE: Please, If you are receiving this notice, and no longer wish to get
it, please Reply to me, and let me know. It's no problem at all. Likewise,
if you know of someone whom might like to join us, please have them contact
me, too. At-Large can cover a lot of ground. And we welcome new members



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