president at nfbofmt.org president at nfbofmt.org
Wed Mar 25 15:52:21 UTC 2020

Hi All,


The Montana Talking Books Library has a new leader, and her name is Marilyn
Bennett.  Marilyn's contact info is at the bottom of this e-mail.  Below is
the e-mail she sent to MTBL patrons regarding the availability of NFB
Newsline in Montana during the Coronavirus crisis.


Please help spread the word about NFB Newsline.  People can begin new
subscriptions, and everyone with a print disability is welcome to sign up,
which happens through the NFB web site.  I was the NFB person who told
Marilyn NFB Newsline is back up during the crisis.  She and I are both very
grateful we have this vital access during these truly difficult times.
Information is power, and Montanans who are blind and otherwise print
disabled should enjoy equal access to information about the Coronavirus and
everything else.  Please get the word out.



Jim Marks


National Federation of the Blind of Montana

president at nfbofmt.org

(406) 438-1421



You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.


From: Bennett, Marilyn [mailto:MBennett at mt.gov] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 1:22 PM
Subject: NFB-NEWSLINE during COVID-19




Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Marilyn Bennett and I am the new
Regional Librarian in charge of the Montana Talking Book Library. I have
spoken with the National Federation of the Blind, and they have agreed to
re-activate NFB-NEWSLINE during the COVID-19 outbreak. You should be able to
now log in with your login information. Please let me or any of the other
Montana Talking Book Library staff if you have any questions!




Marilyn Bennett

Outreach and Digital Resources Librarian

Montana State Library


mbennett at mt.gov <mailto:mbennett at mt.gov> 




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