[NFBMT] Dog Guide Users of Montana - new group meets tonight on Zoom

rixmix2009 at gmail.com rixmix2009 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 20:16:30 UTC 2020

I have been asked to pass this along to you, by Todd Fahlstrom of Bozeman,
the event host and coordinator of a new group in Montana.

He stresses that the new group is NOT affiliated with any other blindness
organization and invites all to attend and become involved.




What: Montana Guide Dog user group 
When: Wednesday October 7, 2020 <x-apple-data-detectors://0> 
Time: 6pm <x-apple-data-detectors://1>  
How: Zoom conference link - see below
Who: any guide dog user in the state of Montana no matter the affiliation to
schools or organization 
Purpose: This group is intended to help support and learn from each other
when it comes to using, advocating and interacting with guide dogs.  Please
invite others if you have contacts of individuals who you think would
benefit from interacting with other users.  The goal is to provide monthly
conference calls.
Contact: at this point, we have not identified group leaders, but since I'm
sending out this email, I'm willing and able to answer any questions by
calling me at (406) 600-7548 <tel:(406)%20600-7548>  or
todd.fahlstrom at usfamily.net <mailto:todd.fahlstrom at usfamily.net> .  

Link to connect is listed below and this Zoom account is owned by Jocelyn:

Jocelyn DeHaas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 881 5959 9966 
Passcode: 444670 
One tap mobile 
<tel:+13017158592,,88159599966%23,,,,,,0%23,,444670%23>  US (Germantown)  
<tel:+13126266799,,88159599966%23,,,,,,0%23,,444670%23>  US (Chicago) 

Dial by your location 
       +1 301 715 8592 <tel:+1%20301%20715%208592>  US (Germantown) 
       +1 312 626 6799 <tel:+1%20312%20626%206799>  US (Chicago) 
       +1 929 205 6099 <tel:+1%20929%20205%206099>  US (New York) 
       +1 253 215 8782 <tel:+1%20253%20215%208782>  US (Tacoma) 
       +1 346 248 7799 <tel:+1%20346%20248%207799>  US (Houston) 
       +1 669 900 6833 <tel:+1%20669%20900%206833>  US (San Jose) 
Meeting ID: 881 5959 9966 
Passcode: 444670 
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbxi4jwPZY

Jocelyn H. DeHaas, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
University of New Mexico

Todd Fahlstrom, MS, CRC

(406) 600.7548


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