[NFBMT] NOTICE: Friday, May 14, 2021 @ 3:00 p.m. - Treasure State At-Large Chapter Meeting via Zoom - NFB of Montana

rixmix2009 at gmail.com rixmix2009 at gmail.com
Tue May 11 16:13:18 UTC 2021

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Memorial Day.

The time goes so quickly.

I figure we can just get those heartfelt greetings out of the way!

And we can then calculate how many shopping days remain, etc.

BUT, first...

Let's have our May meeting this Friday, shall we?

It's been a busy Spring already. My pitching arm is sore, still no No No's.
Rather I've been hanging my curve, and they've been using that darned new
emphasis on the launch angle and knocking my pitches out to Kingdom Come!

So I am switching. Only bowling trophies on my fantasy shelf in my future.


To discuss these and more topics, please join us Friday.

Lots to catch up on, and hopefully you will participate and bring in topics
of your own.  Probably with much more purposes relevant to our mission in
the National Federation of the Blind of Montana. 

A reminder to pre-register for our national convention. 

The deadline is the end of this month.

Here is the link for registration and more information:




Here is your invitation for this Friday's meeting at 3pm!


Rik James

President, Treasure State Chapter, NFB of Montana


Topic: Treasure State At-Large Chapter of the NFB of Montana 

              Our Monthly Zoom Meeting

Time: May 14, 2021 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)


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