[NFBMT] Agenda and Resolutions

BRUCE&JOY BRESLAUER breslauerj at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 21:28:28 UTC 2021


National Federation of the Blind of Montana
2021 State Convention

*  When: September 25, 2021, 9:00AM to 5:00PM

*  Where: Virtual, by Zoom, Anywhere and Everywhere

*  Cost: FREE!

*  Theme: The Shape of Things to Come

*  Jim Marks, President, National Federation of the Blind of Montana

*  Kathryn C. Webster, NFB National Representative

About the National Federation of the Blind of Montana

The National Federation of the Blind of Montana is a consumer civil rights
organization in which the blind and interested sighted persons come together
in monthly local chapter meetings and annual statewide conventions to improve
the lives of blind people through advocacy, education, research, technology,
and programs encouraging independence and self-confidence. The NFB of Montana
works toward the removal of legal, economic, and social barriers to full
participation by blind people in all aspects of community life.

You must be registered for the convention in order to vote or win door
prizes, including the Grand Door Prize.

Morning Session: 9:00 AM-Noon

*	Call to Order and Welcome: Jim Marks
*	National Anthem: Sheila Leigland
*	Pledge of Allegiance: Jim Aldrich
*	Pledge of the National Federation of the Blind: Bruce Breslauer
*	Invocation: Edward Robbins
*	Introduction of the NFB-MT Board of Directors:

1.	President Jim Marks
2.	First Vice-President Joy Breslauer
3.	Second Vice-President Sheila Leigland
4.	Secretary Robert Jaquiss
5.	Treasurer Edward Robbins
6.	Board Member Jim Aldrich
7.	Board Member Bruce Breslauer
8.	Board Member Linda Hurlock
9.	Board Member Denise Moses

*	National Report: Kathryn C. Webster
*	Minutes of 2020 Convention: Robert Jaquiss, Secretary
*	Treasurer's Report, Ted Robbins
*	President Report: Jim Marks
*	Resolutions: Resolutions Committee Chair Joy Breslauer
*	Elections: Nominations Committee Chairman Rik James
*	Appointment of Delegate and Alternate Delegate to 2022 Washington
Seminar: President Jim Marks
*	Appointment of Delegate and Alternate Delegate to 2022 National
Convention: President Jim Marks
*	Chapter and Committee Reports:

1.	Great Falls Chapter President Sheila Leigland
2.	Treasure State Chapter President Rik James
3.	Yellowstone County Chapter Jim Marks

*	Committee Reports by Committee Chairpersons as Time Allows

Adjourn for lunch

Noon-1:00 PM: Lunch on your Own. Note that the Zoom conference line will
remain open during lunch, but no content or monitoring will occur during the
lunch hour. Conventioneers are welcome to chat with one another during this
lunch break.

Afternoon Session

*	1:00-2:00 PM: Panel Discussion: Of Doctor's Offices and Uninvited

1.	Moderator: Joy Breslauer
2.	Panelist: Sheila Leigland
3.	Panelist: Bruce Breslauer
4.	Panelist: James Aldrich

*	2:00-2:20PM: Bookshare and One Million Books. George Kerscher,
Benetech and DAISY Consortium
*	2:20-2:30 PM: NFB Newsline Update. Samantha Chase and Robert Jaquiss,
Montana NFB Newsline Coordinators
*	2:30-2:45 PM: Tactile Loan Library, Robert Jaquiss
*	2:45-3:00 PM: Montana Talking Books Library Update: Marilyn Bennett,
Outreach and Digital Resources Librarian, Montana State Library
*	3:00-3:15 PM: Break
*	3:15-3:20 PM: PAC Plan, Ted Robbins
*	3:20-3:40 PM: Blind and Low Vision Services Update, Darrel Hannum,
Bureau Chief
*	3:40-4:00 PM: Montana School for the Deaf and Blind
*	4:00-4:30 PM: Keynote Address, NFB National Representative Kathryn C.
*	4:30-4:45 Appreciations and Recognitions
*	4:45-5:00 PM: Closing Remarks and Unfinished Business: NFB of MT
President Jim Marks
*	Next Year's NFB-MT Convention Location
*	Grand Door Prize Drawing for an all-expenses-paid trip to next year's
Treasure State convention if it is not virtual, plus $200.00 spending money.
*	Adjourn


Resolutions, 2021

These are proposed resolutions to be brought before the NFB of Montana
Treasure State virtual convention by the Resolutions Committee on Saturday,
September 25, 2021.

Resolution 2021-01 Regarding The Use of the Electronic Ballot Return Option
by blind Voters in Montana

WHEREAS, The ability to cast a secret ballot privately, independently, and
securely is a cornerstone of our democracy that enables citizens to vote
their consciences with confidence; and

WHEREAS, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which was
signed into law over thirty years ago, requires that voters with disabilities
have the same opportunities to exercise their right to vote as do voters
without disabilities; and

WHEREAS, While Montana has had the option to mark a ballot electronically
since 2017, the current electronic ballot return system cannot be used by the
blind without sighted assistance, because it requires the voter to print out,
sign, and date the ballot and to return it by regular mail; and

WHEREAS, Federal military and overseas voters have the ability to return
ballots electronically, but the blind do not: NOW, THEREFORE,

BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind in convention
assembled this twenty-fifth day of September, 2021, that this organization
call upon Montana state government to require that the same electronic ballot
return option used by federal military and overseas voters be made available
to blind Montana voters, as is required by federal law.

Resolution 2021-02 Regarding the Creation of the Blind and Low Vision
Services Bureau in Montana

WHEREAS, Historically, stand alone service agencies for the blind assure the
highest quality employment and independent living outcomes by nurturing and
developing the unique abilities of the blind, and by employing a dedicated
staff with the expertise to show the blind how to be good at being blind; and

WHEREAS, Such an autonomous division for the blind was established by Montana
law within state government in 1979; and

WHEREAS, Over the succeeding four decades, state government has gradually
abandoned its strong commitment to blind Montanans by slowly eroding the
division standing and incrementally merging blind and low vision services
into the general vocational rehabilitation program; and

WHEREAS, To reverse this trend and to re-establish what the 1979 state law
intended and what blind Montanans require of their state vocational and
rehabilitation agency, the Montana Department of Public Health and Human
Services (DPHHS) created the Blind and Low Vision Services Bureau within the
Disability Employment and Transitions division in 2021; and

WHEREAS, The creation of this bureau fully complies with both the letter and
the spirit of the 1979 law, and reaffirms Montana's commitment to provide
quality vocational rehabilitation and independent living services to the

BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Montana in
convention assembled this twenty-fifth day of September, 2021, that this
organization applaud state government for creating the Bureau of Blind and
Low Vision Services within the disability Employment and Transitions division
of the Montana Department of Health and Human Services.


Joy Breslauer, First Vice President

National Federation of the Blind of Montana 

Web Site: http://www.nfbofmt.org <http://www.nfbofmt.org/> 


Live the life you want


The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work
together to help blind people live the lives they want. 


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