[NFBMT] FW: Agenda for 2021 NFB of Montana Convention

president at nfbofmt.org president at nfbofmt.org
Fri Sep 24 18:42:27 UTC 2021

National Federation of the Blind of Montana
2021 State Convention
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Virtual Meeting Conducted Via Zoom
9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Ninth Annual NFB of Montana Convention
Theme:  The Shape of Things to Come


9:00 AM-Noon
Call to Order and Welcome: Jim Marks
National Anthem: Sheila Leigland
Pledge of Allegiance: Jim Aldrich
Pledge of the National Federation of the Blind: Bruce Breslauer
Invocation: Edward Robbins
Introduction of the NFB-MT Board of Directors: President Jim Marks, First
Vice-President Joy Breslauer, Second Vice-President Sheila Leigland,
Secretary Robert Jaquiss, Treasurer Edward Robbins, and Board Members Jim
Aldrich, Bruce Breslauer, Linda Hurlock and Denise Moses National Report:
Kathryn Webster, National Representative Minutes of 2020 Convention-Robert
Jaquiss Treasurer's Report, Ted Robbins President Report: Jim Marks
Resolutions: Resolutions Committee Chair Joy Breslauer
Elections: Nominations Committee Chairman Rik James Appointment of Delegate
and Alternate Delegate to 2022 Washington Seminar:
Jim Marks
Appointment of Delegate and Alternate Delegate to 2022 National Convention:
Jim Marks
Chapter and Committee Reports: Great Falls Chapter President Sheila
Leigland, Treasure State Chapter President Rik James, Yellowstone County
Chapter Jim Marks, and Committee Reports by Committee Chairpersons as Time

Noon-1:00 PM: 
Lunch on your Own. Note that the Zoom conference line will remain open
during lunch, but no content or monitoring will occur during the lunch hour.
Conventioneers are welcome to chat with one another during this lunch break.

1:00-2:00 PM: 
Panel Discussion: Of Doctor's Offices and Uninvited Prayers.  Moderator Joy
Breslauer.  Speakers Sheila Leigland, Bruce Breslauer, and James Aldrich.

Bookshare and One Million Books.  George Kerscher, Benetech and DAISY

2:20-2:30 PM:  
NFB Newsline Update.  Jim Marks, President and Samantha  Chase and Robert
Jaquiss, Montana NFB Newsline Coordinators

2:30-2:45 PM:  
Tactile Loan Library, Robert Jaquiss

2:45-3:00 PM: 
Montana Talking Books Library Update: Marilyn Bennett, Outreach and Digital
Resources Librarian, Montana State Library

3:00-3:15 PM: 

3:15-3:20 PM: 
PAC Plan, Ted Robbins

3:20-3:40 PM: 
Blind and Low Vision Services Update, Darrel Hannum, Bureau Chief

3:40-4:00 PM: 
Montana School for the Deaf and Blind:  Paul Furthmyre, Interim

4:00-4:30 PM: 
Keynote Address, Kathryn Webster, NFB National Representative

Appreciations and Recognitions

4:45-5:00 PM: 
Closing Remarks and Unfinished Business: NFB of MT President Jim Marks
Auction of Magic with Speech Next Year's NFB-MT Convention Location Grand
Door Prize Drawing for an all-expenses-paid trip to next year's Treasure
State convention if it is not virtual, plus $200.00 spending money.

Additional Information:
Please become a member of the NFB of Montana.  Dues are $5 per year or $100
for a lifetime membership.  To pay dues or to make a donation to the NFB of
Montana, please visit our webpage and follow the links to make payments
online through PayPal.  The website is:


Additionally, payments can be mailed to the following address:

National Federation of the Blind of Montana PO Box 1325 Great Falls, MT

To reach NFB of Montana President Jim Marks:

Jim Marks
president at nfbofmt.org

To reach NFB Representative Kathryn Webster:

Kathryn C. Webster
kcwebster43 at gmail.com

NFB Pledge
I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its

Jim Marks
President, National Federation of the Blind of Montana president at nfbofmt.org
(406) 438-1421

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