[NFBMV] Fwd: Scholarships

Carolyn Peters dr.carolyn.peters at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 18:05:51 UTC 2020

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From: Carolyn Peters <dr.carolyn.peters at gmail.com>
Date: February 10, 2020 at 1:05:03 PM EST
To: ohio-talk at nfbnet.org
Subject: Scholarships

to Ohio affiliate student division and others who may be interested in scholarships. See attached. Dr. Carolyn Peters, President Miami Valley Chapter

$1,000 Ability ERG Scholarship Program
The 2020 Ability $1,000 college scholarship program is now accepting applications. We will close the acceptance of applications on February 29, 2020 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time. <--Deadline Extended!

The purpose of the Ability scholarship is to raise awareness of and sensitivity towards people with disabilities - it is not limited to applicants with disabilities – anyone who is eligible can apply.
Winners will be announced by May 2020.
The scholarship money can be used towards any college related costs, to include tuition, room/board, and books.
Please read the following information BEFORE emailing questions to the Administrator. Due to time constraints, any emails with questions that can be answered on this page will NOT be answered.

Check out our video at the bottom of this page.


Open to either high school seniors or college undergraduates who will be attending an undergraduate collegiate program in 2020 leading towards their first degree (students who already have a bachelor's degree and will be working on a second or subsequent degree are NOT eligible).
High school juniors attending dual-enrollment programs are NOT eligible, unless they are graduating a year early and will be attending college in the next academic year.
There is no age limit.
Requirements for All Applicants

The application consists of providing an OFFICIAL school transcript, information about extra-curricular activities, leadership, employment and achievements/awards, and an essay (choice of 2 - 500 word recommended length).
Information about extra-curricular activities, leadership, employment and achievements/awards can include both high school and college years.
High School applicants also need to provide either an acceptance letter from a college OR a letter from a HS guidance counselor simply stating that the applicant intends to attend college in 2020.
Letters of recommendation are NOT required nor considered in the evaluation process.
Transcripts MUST be OFFICIAL - applicants providing UNOFFICIAL transcripts will be disqualified from consideration.
HS seniors taking dual enrollment classes ONLY need to provide an official HS transcript, not any from a college - the HS transcript should show the dual enrollment classes and their associated grades.
Applicants must initial a release authorizing Ability to use the applicant’s name on the Ability website and in the Ability newsletter.

The deadline for the Program Administrator to receive all required materials is February 29, 2020 - NO EXCEPTIONS.
Ensure official school transcripts and letters are requested well in advance so they arrive prior to the above deadline. Any materials arriving past the deadline will not be accepted.
Additional Information

All information should be available to complete and submit an application in one web login session, as unfortunately, there is no capability to save work and then edit/modify it at a later time.
Once the initial application is submitted, applicants will be emailed information on how to submit additional information electronically or via US mail afterwards (prior to the deadline).
Transcripts and any additional information may be attached to the application during the initial submission, and afterwards, they can be provided either via email to scholarship at abilityerg.org or mailed (allow sufficient time to arrive BEFORE the deadline), addressed to:
Andrew Lombardo
AT&T Ability Scholarship Administrator
200 S. Laurel Avenue
Room E5-2D34
Middletown, NJ 07748-1914

Before You Apply

Gather and prepare as much of the following information as you can before you start your application.

Essay response (500 word recommended length)
Community involvement summary
Achievements and awards
Work experience
Leadership positions
College Undergraduate: Official college transcript
High School Senior: Official High School transcript AND copy of college admission letter or letter from high school guidance counselor indicating intent of college attendance
The application CANNOT be modified/updated once submitted.

Official transcript, admission acceptance letter, or letter from guidance counselor can be submitted separately afterwards - directions are provided via email after application submission.

Applicants are often disqualified because of late or missing transcripts/letter submissions - do not underestimate the time required to obtain a copy of your OFFICIAL transcript!

All files submitted should be in a common file format - preferred formats include PDF, Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or Open Document (.odt). Other files types (jpg, gif, tif, gif, xls, png) may be accepted. If you cannot provide an acceptable common file type, contact the webmaster for assistance.

Essay Questions (Select One)

Question 1

Visit a place that you frequent and take note of three things about the location that make it friendly to people with disabilities and three things that could be done to improve upon the location. While there, ask staff members to explain any accommodation features that may not be obvious. Note anything you think could be done to better accommodate people who have invisible or visible disabilities. Write a 500-word essay on your findings. A few links to help kick start your research are provided below:

Question 2

Technology can be a great benefit for people with disabilities, but it can also introduce new barriers. What can be done to encourage universal and accessible design in mobile applications including gaming? Write a 500-word essay on your proposal. A few links to help kick start your research are provided below:

Begin Application

Apply by clicking the button below. Alternatively you can download the paper application and apply by mail.

Begin Application for $1,000 Scholarship

Last Year's Winners: Kaitlin, Emily, and Shannon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djxH_RJDx3k

Last Year's Winner: Donnie Minor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz5O5fwuwNY 

Scholarship Committee

Andrew Lombardo
Kelly Burton
Jay Edgar
Martha Smith
Gina Love

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