[Nfbn-announce] Rewarding Summer Employment

Amy Buresh amy.buresh74 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 03:09:55 UTC 2012

Are you looking for a rewarding and fun summer work experience?


The Colorado Center for the Blind is now accepting applications from
positive blind role models to be residential counselors and instructors in
our summer programs.  We offer 3 programs, Summer for Success College Prep
Program, Earn and Learn High School Program and the Initiation to
Independence Middle School Program.  


Staff must be availalbe May 29 through August 10.  Qualifications include
compentency in the skilsl of blindness, being well rounded, fliexible,
excellnt communicator both oral and written, team player and willing to lead
by example.  Must be excited to work with students aged 11 -20.  Challenge
Recreaton is an exciting component of the job.  Staff will go rock climbing,
hiking, canoeing, white water rafting, attend martial arts classes and much


Also all staff and students will attend the national convention of the
National Federation of the Blind in Dallas!   


If interested please contact Brent Batron at 303-778-1130 x 222 or via email
at bbatron at cocneter.org. 


If you will be in Washington next week please feel free to talk with our

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