[Nfbn-announce] Fair Wages Text Alert System

Amy Buresh amy.buresh74 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 11:21:51 UTC 2012

Dear  Fellow Federationists: 
We are establishing a text message system  to alert everyone to activity
associated with Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities, H.R. 3086.  We
anticipate sending about 1 text per week.  If you would like to sign up to
receive these text messages, please text the word "fairwages" to 27138.
Also, please feel free to share with others. 

John G. Paré Jr. 
Executive Director for Strategic Initiatives 
200 East Wells Street
Baltimore, Maryland  21230 
Telephone:  (410) 659-9314, ext. 2227
Cell phone:  (410) 917-1965 
Fax:  (410) 685-5653 
Email:  jpare at nfb.org <blocked::mailto:jpare at nfb.org>  

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