[Nfbn-announce] Open Mic - Stand Up Sing for Change

Amy Buresh amy.buresh74 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 09:56:59 UTC 2017

Standup And Live The Life You Want,  A  night of Comedy and music For
Change $5.00 admission, $3.00 to perform
Banquet is over but don't go to bed just yet! $3 lets you be one of
the entertainers! . Proceeds will go to fund the 2018 BELL (Braille
Enrichment for Literacy and Learning) Academy. NFBN  member and
standup comedian,   Stephanie Wagle challenges you to let yoru inner
star shine. Play an instrument? Like karaoke? Let us hear you. Think
you’re funny? Put your own humorous spin on your comparison   of your
perceptions versus societal perceptions of blindness and/or what  a
world where blind people having  equal rights was not even a question
looks like to you. Like a karaoke night at the Comedy club, amateurs
are encouraged! Whether among the performers or the members of the
audience, I guarantee you will hid the pillow laughing. This event
puts the "fun" in "fundraiser". Call or text Stephanie Wagle at (402)
515-2221 to be on the performance line-up.

You won't want to miss it...Rumor has it that our national rep, Anil
Lewis will be taking his turn at the mic!

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