[Nfbnet-members-list] National Reading Media Assessment Training Available at NFB Convention

Ewell, Jessica V JVEwell at nfb.org
Thu Jun 20 16:04:45 UTC 2013

National Reading Media Assessment Training 
Sessions Registration Open: 2013 NFB National Convention

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) 
Jernigan Institute is offering training sessions 
for teachers and parents of blind and visually 
impaired children who are interested in using the 
National Reading Media Assessment (NRMA). The 
NRMA is a research-based, easy-to-use tool that 
will clearly identify the reading medium or media 
of blind and visually-impaired children.  This 
tool will determine whether each child who is 
assessed should be taught Braille, print, or 
both. With the NRMA, teachers can evaluate 
pre-readers and students in grades K-12 who have 
an identified visual impairment and who have 
enough visual functioning to identify print 
letters or shapes by sight. Teachers can 
complete, save, and print assessments using our 
new electronic assessment interface. During these 
sessions, teachers and parents will get hands-on 
experience with the NRMA’s online interface. 
These sessions will be held during the 2013 NFB 
National Convention in Orlando, Florida. There 
will be two sessions – one on Monday, July 1 from 
2:00-3:00 P.M. and one on Wednesday, July 3 from 
7:30-8:30 P.M. Both sessions will take place in 
the Hospitality Suite 244, level 2. Please 
register for the session that best fits your 
schedule. To access the NRMA site, please bring 
your own technology such as a laptop or iPad.

Those interested in participating in one of these 
training sessions should send an e-mail to Dr. 
Jessica Ewell at the NFB Jernigan Institute 
(jvewell at nfb.org) with the following information:

* Your full name
* The best e-mail address to use in communicating 
with you prior to the convention
* A cell phone number that can be used to reach you at the convention
*An indication of which of the following 
categories applies to you (include all that apply):
o Teacher of blind students
o Rehabilitation professional
o Parent of a blind child
o Other

If you are unable to e-mail your interest in the 
training sessions, you can reach Dr. Jessica 
Ewell at (410) 659-9314, extension 2529.

Dr. Jessica Ewell, Project Coordinator
Department of Education
Jernigan Institute
National Federation of the Blind
Tel: (410) 659-9314 ext. 2529
E-mail: <mailto:jvewell at nfb.org>jvewell at nfb.org
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