[Nfbnet-members-list] Muslims Group events at 2023 NFB convention

Tas A tasnim.shuli at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 21:09:32 UTC 2023

Hello Everyone,
Thank you for signing up for our events during convention. Please read the following carefully and share the information with your pluses or guests.

1-The NFB Muslims Group are planning to gather on June 30 at 9 PM for orientation. Please meet us at the Hilton lobby near Starbucks at 9 PM to get started with orientation.
2-The NFB Muslims Group has a daily prayer space at convention in Meeting room 230 from 1
PM until 11:59 Pm from July 1 to July 6. Please consider utilizing the
space as much as you can.
3-The NFB Muslims Group Seminar will be on Monday July 3 in meeting room 346 from 5 PM
until 7:30 PM.
4-The NFB Muslims Group Dinner will be on July 5th at 7 PM. The dinner is organized by Islam By Touch, Shaykh Waleed Basyouni and
other great local people in Houston. Guide dogs are welcome. We will be   joined by other local Muslim leaders for a great
gathering. Email nfbmuslims at gmail.com if your interested. Seats are limited.  
If you have any questions, email Tasnim Alshuli the NFB Muslims at nfbmuslims at gmail.com.

With Peace,
Tasnim Alshuli, Chair of NFB Muslims Group
nfbmuslims at gmail.com

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