[Nfbnet-students-list] December NABS Notes

Melissa Carney carne23m at mtholyoke.edu
Mon Dec 31 18:57:53 UTC 2018

Hey NABSters,


Happy New Year's! I can't believe that 2018 is coming to a close. I hope you
all got the most out of the past 12 months, whether you explored new
academic interests, obtained your first internship, traveled, or anything
else exciting. Remember the value of self-discovery and growth, and carry
the lessons that you've learned into the next year. Continue to thrive,
improve, and make every moment count. While you're enjoying the holiday
season, feel free to read about what NABS was up to during the month of
December. Please find the link to our online version of the NABS notes
below, followed by the notes themselves. A copy of the NABS notes is also
attached to this email for your convenience. We continuously strive to
update and improve the format and content of our monthly bulletin, so your
suggestions and recommendations are much appreciated. What resources would
you like us to share? Are there specific topics that you would like us to
cover? What general feedback do you have? Don't hesitate to let us know. 




NABS Notes: December 2018  


In this issue, you will find:  

*         President's Note  

*         Text to Give Campaign  

*         New Resource - NABS Phone Number  

*         Follow NABS on Instagram  

*         2019 Scholarship Program  

*         K-12 and Higher Ed Technology Survey  

*         Research Study on Confidence Level in Orientation and Mobility
Post O&M Training  

*         New Issue of The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research  

*         Aira Plans for NFB Members  

*         Holiday Sale - Save 40% on KNFB Reader today!  

*         NABS Committee Updates  

*         December Blog Post  

*         NABS Facebook Group  


President's Note  

A new year is upon us, full of potential and promise. As we take this
holiday season to recuperate from finals, reconnect with family and friends,
we also set goals for the upcoming year. This Christmas I traveled to Rome
with my family and studied the beautiful master pieces of Michelangelo. This
visionary of the High Renaissance advised that when setting goals "The
greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and
falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
Ponder this while setting your goals for the new year. Do not let your
blindness serve as a limiting factor in what you wish to achieve in 2019.
Whether those goals are health oriented, professional, academic, spiritual
and or social, NABS is by your side to help you raise the bar. 

Exactly one month from now, the NABS board will be hosting a leadership
training seminar in Washington DC. Thirty student leaders will gather
together from around the nation, to learn and grow. Then we will join our
federation family upon The Hill, to advocate for the policies we need in
order to clear the path towards our goals. 

Happy Holidays to all of you who are celebrating in this season, and here's
to a great New Year!


Text to Give Campaign  

Spread the word! Without the generous support of our donors, we would not be
able to provide students with copious resources, develop leadership seminar
curricula, bring students to Washington DC to fight for equal access to
education on Capitol Hill, learn that blindness is not the sole
characteristic that defines our future, and so much more! Text blindstudents
(no caps, no spaces) to 855-202-2100 to donate. Every dollar counts!  


New Resource - NABS Phone Number  

Our leadership wants to provide an outlet for students to voice concerns,
seek advice, and learn about resources you may otherwise not be familiar
with. With that, we launched our very own NABS phone number, where a NABS
leader is on call to speak with blind students across the country. Please
call 410-417-8360.  


Follow NABS on Instagram  

NABS has an Insta account now, so follow us @NABSLink!  


2019 scholarship Program  

Apply today for an opportunity to attend this year's national convention in
Las Vegas!

Every year, the National Federation of the Blind awards more than $120,000
in scholarships to blind students across the United States. Visit
https://buff.ly/2qoSMZS for more information and to start your application!
The deadline to apply is March 31st so please don't wait until the last
minute to apply! Good luck!


K-12 and Higher Ed Technology Survey  

The NFB is gathering information regarding the accessibility of educational
technology used in our nation's schools, kindergarten through graduate
level. If you are a student, parent, teacher, or administrator who uses
screen access software or other accommodations to participate non-visually
in educational programs or services, or if you are the parent, teacher, or
administrator of someone who does, please complete this survey once a
semester: https://nfb.org/edtechsurvey.  


Research Study on Confidence Level in Orientation and Mobility Post O&M

The below research participant solicitation is being provided for
informational purposes only. The National Federation of the Blind has no
involvement in this research, but we believe that it may contribute to our
research mission.


My name is Merry-Noel Chamberlain, and I am a doctoral student in
Transformational Leadership at Concordia University out of Portland, Oregon.
I am conducting an online study investigating confidence levels in
Orientation and Mobility (O&M), post O&M training.  This involves how often
and how far people travel away from their home environment after they have
completed formal O&M training.


The targeted population for this survey are individuals who:

1)   Are blind or visually impaired.

2)   Completed *formal Orientation & Mobility (O&M) training in or after
1999 in the United States. (* = Formal training consists of instruction
received in a state or private rehabilitation training center designed for
individuals with visual impairments.)

3)   Did not receive any *formal Orientation & Mobility training from a
private or state rehabilitation agency prior to the age of 20.

4)   Are between the ages of 20 and 70 (including the age of 20 and the age
of 70).

5)   Are NOT current or former O&M instructors.

6)   Are NOT guide dog users.

7)   Do not have additional disabilities (hearing impairment, mental,
physical or other health concerns) which hinders independent travel.


This study consists of an online survey, which will take about a half an
hour to complete. In exchange for participation, participants will have the
opportunity to enter a raffle drawing for one of four $25 Visa gift card.
All responses will be anonymous and confidential.


Follow this link to the Survey:

Take the


Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:



There are no risks to participating in this study other than the everyday
risk of being on your computer as you take this survey. For me, I will
receive the benefit of your answers which will help me understand your
travel experiences/habits after your formal O&M training. In turn, you could
benefit by reflecting on your own travel experiences/habits post your

All data is collected anonymously.  The data you provide will be held
privately within the on-line survey instrument. In the options section, if
you were to write additional comments that made it to where we predict that
someone could possibly deduce your identity, we would not include this
information in any publication or report. All data will be destroyed three
years after the study ends. At any time, you can discontinue answering the
questions in this online survey. Please print a copy of this for your


If you have questions you can talk to or write the principal investigator,
Merry-Noel Chamberlain at:
mechamberlain at mail2.cu-portland.edu<mailto:mechamberlain at mail2.cu-portland.e


New Issue of the Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research  

JBIR is the NFB's free, open-access, online-only professional journal that
publishes peer-reviewed, original research manuscripts, and professional
practice articles that deal with all aspects of blindness other than the
medical. Practice-based articles that share the author's expertise in how
best-practices can improve education and rehabilitation outcomes are
strongly encouraged. To learn more about JBIR and how to become an author or
peer reviewer, please visit the JBIR Home


The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) published Volume 8, Number 2 of
The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research (JBIR) on December 13,
2018. You can access the table of contents and articles in this issue at
JBIR Vol. 8 No.


Research manuscripts included in this issue are:


*       The Impact of Attitudes and Access to Mentors on the Interest in
STEM for Teens and Adults who are Blind. Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., and Arielle
M. Silverman, Ph.D.


*       Improving Student Self-Efficacy: The Role of Inclusive and
Innovative Out of School Programming for Students with Blindness and Visual
Impairments. Kathleen M. Farrand, Natalie Shaheen, Tiffany Wild, Julia
Averil, and Danene Fast.


*       Experiences of Students who are Visually Impaired Receiving Services
by Disabilities Support Services (DSS) Offices in Higher Education
Institutions. Silvia M. Correa-Torres, Paula Conroy, Amber Rundle-Kahn, and
Tara Brown-Ogilvie.


Professional practice articles included in this issue are:


*       Field Classes in Residential Adjustment to Blindness Training
Programs. Justin M. Salisbury, MA, NOMC, NCRTB, NCUEB.


*       Transportation Accessibility: Exploring the Input of Individuals Who
are Blind to Create an In-Service Training for Bus Drivers. Danene K. Fast.


Other scholarly work included in this issue:


*       Evaluation Report: Sensational Activities in Summer Science 2017.
Donna Posont, Jason Meddaugh, Fred Wurtzel, and Lydia Schuck


Aira Plans for NFB Members  

Two Aira plans are now available only to members of the National Federation
of the Blind. A new introductory plan offers thirty minutes a month for
twenty dollars. The regular NFB plan, which has been in place for some time
now, offers 140 minutes per month for ninety-nine dollars. The regular NFB
plan comes with smart glasses, allows for minute sharing, permits purchasing
additional non-expiring minutes if one is running short, and lets members
get credit for referrals. One can also buy additional minutes with the
larger plan. These options are not available with the introductory twenty
dollar per month plan.


One can subscribe to these plans by calling an Aira agent at 800-835-1934 or
by signing up online by going to <https://aira.io/nfb/>https://aira.io/nfb/.
In NFB member can move from any plan to one of these and from one of these
to any other Aira plan.


Holiday Sale - Save 40% on KNFB Reader today!  

KNFB Reader gives the gift of print. With the tilt guide, get an accurate
photo that swiftly converts the print to spoken word and access print
documents anytime, anywhere. KNFB Reader also provides Dropbox integration,
compatibility with Braille displays, and a live tech support team.


Now is the time to buy! Starting December 21, 2018, purchase the app for you
or a loved one at a discounted price of $59.99 USD for IOS, Android, and
Windows. Live the life you want with this convenient and reliable app. Sale
ends January 3, 2019.

Learn more at


NABS Committee Updates  

Get involved!  

*         Legislative Advocacy Committee  

When: third Sunday of the month | 8pm eastern  

Chair: Justin Salisbury (president at alumni.ecu.edu)  

This month, we discussed plans for Washington seminar. We brainstormed ways
to be the best advocates for our issues, tips and tricks on how to navigate
the city, advice on how to present ourselves in Congressional meetings, and
so on. Washington Seminar can be a bit of a nerve-racking process, so if you
have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out!


*         Fundraising Committee  

When: Second and fourth Sunday of the month | 9pm eastern  

Chair: Dustin Cather (cather.dustin @gmail.com
<mailto:nabs.president at gmail.com> )  

Share our Text-to-Give phone number far and wide: anyone can text
blindstudents to 855-202-2100 to donate! Help us help you! We are also
gearing up for this year's Federation Fiesta at Washington seminar, which
promises to be an unforgettable event filled with live music, auction items,
games, and so much more!   


*         Outreach Committee  

When: first Monday of the month | 9pm eastern  

Chair: Janae Burgmeier (Janae.burgmeier at gmail.com
<mailto:Janae.burgmeier at gmail.com> )  

Web Master: Dustin Cather (cather.dustin at gmail.com
<mailto:cather.dustin at gmail.com> )  

December's theme was scholarships. During our monthly outreach call, we were
joined by Cayte Mendez, the Scholarship chair, as well as several
scholarship winners from previous years to discuss the program and answer
any questions. Applications are now open. Apply today!  


December Blog Post  

>From the Editor: Kaity Ellis is from New Mexico and serves as their student
division president. She is an outgoing and helpful leader who enjoys helping
others and fighting for our rights as blind students. She is also heavily
involved with politics and legislation. 


Going to the people's city, YOUR city. 

Hello, everyone, I'm Kaity Ellis, the New Mexico Association of Blind
Students President.  Some of us here in the Federation are about to take the
trip of a lifetime.  We are going to Washington DC! Some of you might be
packing for the trip. As someone that has attended twice and will attend
this year, let me give you some helpful hints, three to be exact! First one,
be open to what others tell you, realize that everyone has different
political beliefs and understandings. Just because someone might believe
differently than you do doesn't mean you don't have common ground. You just
may think differently than the other person, but in the end, you both have
the same common goal. In other words, there are many different highways to
take to get to the same destination, but you eventually get there.  My
second point, allow people to see how independent you are but don't be
afraid to ask for help! Dr. Jernigan reminds us that asking for help is not
a weakness; it's a sign of strength.  My final hint, make sure you have the
time of your life, and soak it all in. This is a lifetime opportunity not
everyone gets to experience. Remember you are in the people's city; this is
your city! Oh, by the way, take some warm clothes.


NABS Facebook Group  

Join our Facebook group by visiting:  



Kathryn Webster | President  

The National Association of blind Students  

A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind  


(410) 417-8360  


Melissa Carney

Secretary | National Association of Blind Students

   A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind

(860) 391-9319

Carne23m at mtholyoke.edu


www.nabslink.org <http://www.nabslink.org> 

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