[Nfbnet-students-list] Washington Seminar Behind Us, Spring Convention Season in Full Swing, Looking Forward to the Midwest Seminar and National Convention: NABS Notes for the Month of February

Syed Rizvi syedrizvinfb at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 05:19:51 UTC 2018

Dear Students,

With Washington Seminar behind us and Spring convention in full swing, I
hope you all are killing it, in and out of the classroom. I know midterms
are bearing down upon us all, so, pause that text book, stretch out, and
take a few minutes to read about what NABS has been up to for the last

Below, find the link to our online edition of the NABS notes, followed by
the notes themselves. A copy is also attached to this email for your
reading pleasure.


NABS Notes: February 2018

In this issue, you will find:

•   President’s Note

•   2018 Mid-West Regional Student Seminar

•   Summer Opportunities | NFB Training Centers

•   2018 NFB National Scholarship Program

•   NABS Legislative Toolkit

•   December and February Blog Posts

•   Committee Updates

President’s Note

When I ponder the effectiveness of leadership, I immediately turn to
myself. What can I do better? How could I have improved a situation? What
worked well; or what should I no longer do when approaching issues? On the
other hand, I look to myself in shaping the future student leaders in the
National Federation of the Blind. One way in which the national student
leadership has followed through on this notion is by bringing thirty of our
finest leaders with glowing potential to the Jernigan Institute for a
student leadership weekend. Prior to Washington Seminar, curious minds and
blossoming leaders gathered alongside our affiliate presidents and national
president to learn, grow, and collaborate. The NABS Board conducted
seminars on leadership, public speaking, conflict resolution, building
relationships, running meetings, and so much more. We were enlightened by
words of wisdom from our national president as he shed light on our
philosophy and the evolution of the Federation. Our student and affiliate
leaders participated in a sexual assault prevention and awareness training
in order to be appropriately equipped with the tools to be an active

After leaving a weekend with big ideas, an energized heart, and excitement
around building our students up, we convened in our nation’s capital, where
a record-breaking number of students registered for our annual NABS Winter
Seminar. More than 95 students were loud and proud in the audience, ready
to participate with strong and vibrant voices. With the gracious support of
President Riccobono, our Washington Seminar sponsorship program continues
to grow, helping 35 students in attending this year’s event.

What brought you into our federation family? For some, it was a blind
friend of yours who introduced you to our extended family. For others, it
was a flier in the mail inviting you to a State Convention. And, for many,
it is our national scholarship program. In fact, I graduated four years ago
from high school with money on my mind. Private universities are expensive!
As you can tell, that scholarship brought me into a huge part of my life
and introduced me to a group of loved ones who I will always cherish. As
cliché as that may sound, I am so grateful for our national scholarship
program; and the application period closes in just one month! I challenge
you to apply, regardless of your confidence in your application. Get your
essay proof read, ask for a recommendation from a person you know thinks
highly of you, and click submit on that form! You deserve a shot at the
financial assistance, influential mentorship, and experience that you will
not forget. No one will get to cling onto this opportunity if you don’t

I’m always here to chat and listen to the great ideas stirring in your mind!


Kathryn C. Webster


2018 Mid-West Regional Student Seminar  What’s Next for You?

Who: blind and low vision students (high school and up)

When: 6PM, Friday, April 20 – 12PM, Sunday, April 22, 2018

Where: Holiday Inn O’Hare, 5615 N. Cumberland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631

Cost: $50 for meals and registration, $109 plus tax per night

To reserve a room, call 773-693-5800. Mention NFB of Illinois to get our
special group rate!

Want roommates to cut down costs? Email Kathryn Webster
<nabs.president at gmail.com>

WHY WAIT? Event and hotel registration is open from February 1 – March 31,


Direct questions and special requests to Kathryn Webster
<nabs.president at gmail.com>

For financial assistance, contact your affiliate president by March 20.

This year’s regional student seminar will be a weekend of fun,
engagement, and information! It’s all about the next step in your
life, whatever that may look like: taking a step back, learning about
options, and paving the path for your future. We will have experts
from blindness training centers, working professionals, career
guidance, college preparation, health & wellness, and so much more.
This seminar gives students an invaluable tool: the power of
networking. Both Friday and Saturday night, we will engage in
activities and social events. With students traveling from neighboring
states, the interactions you’ll experience will be unlike anything

Summer Opportunities | NFB Training Centers  BLINDNESS: Learning in New
Dimensions (BLIND,) Inc.

Minneapolis, MN

BLIND, Incorporated is seeking dynamic, enthusiastic individuals to work as
counselors in our PREP, STYLE, and Buddy Programs!  Our PREP and STYLE
programs serve high school students 14 to 21 years of age.  Students in the
Buddy Program range from 9 to 13 years of age.  Applicants must be able to
serve as role models as well as understand and share our positive
philosophy regarding blindness. These individuals must be skilled in the
non-visual alternative techniques of blindness that we teach at our
training center. While being a graduate of an National Federation of the
Blind (NFB) training center is not a requirement, one should have the same
level of skill, self-confidence, and independence that we expect from our

The most qualified applicants possess the following skill set:

•  Aspirations to work with children/teenagers

• Ability to communicate effectively with co-workers and supervisors

• Willingness to work as part of a team

• Willingness and ability to teach students of all levels and backgrounds

• Proficiency in using word processing, spreadsheets, the internet, and
email using either the JAWS, Voiceover or NVDA screen readers

• Ability to write clear and concise reports on student progress

• Ability to read and write Braille

Note: All applicants must pass a background check.

PREP Counselor: June 3 – August 15

STYLE Counselor: July 10 – August 15

Buddy Counselor: July 10 – August 15

For more information, contact Michell Gip, Youth Services Coordinator at
612-872-0100 ext. 231 or email a cover letter and resume to
mgip at blindinc.org.

Colorado Center for the Blind

Littleton, CO

The Colorado Center for the Blind is now accepting applications from
positive blind role models to be residential counselors and classroom
instructors in our 2018 summer programs.  We offer 3 programs for students:
Summer for Success College Prep Program, Earn and Learn High School Program
and the Initiation to Independence Middle School Program.

Staff must be available May 29 through August 10, 2018.  Applicants must be
good role models, competent in the skills of blindness, well-rounded,
flexible, must possess excellent communication skills, and be willing to
lead by example.  Must be excited to work with blind students ages 11 – 20.
Challenge recreation is an exciting component of the job.  Staff will go
rock climbing, hiking, canoeing, white water rafting, attend martial arts
classes and much more.  All staff and students will attend the week long
national convention of the National Federation of the Blind.

To learn more about our summer programs, please click the following links



If interested, please contact Martin Becerra-Miranda at 303-778-1130 x 223
or via email at mbecerra at cocenter.orgg

Louisiana center for the Blind

Ruston, LA

If interested in working for one of the LCB summer programs, contact Eric
Guillory at eguillory at louisianacenter.org.

2018 NFB National Scholarship Program  APPLY NOW


Are you legally blind? Do you reside in the United States, the District of
Columbia, or Puerto Rico? Are you pursuing or planning to pursue a
full-time, postsecondary course of study at a U.S. institution in the 2016
scholastic year? Are you available to attend the entire NFB National
Convention in Orlando, Florida from July 3-July 8, 2018? Are you eager to
meet Federation leaders and network with some of the brightest, most
passionate mentors out there?

If you said yes to all of these questions, then we strongly encourage you
to apply to our 2018 National Scholarship Program! To recognize achievement
by blind scholars, the National Federation of the Blind annually offers
blind college students in the United States and Puerto Rico the opportunity
to win one of thirty merit-based, national-level scholarships ranging in
value of $3,000 to $12,000. All scholarships awarded are based on academic
excellence, community service, and leadership. Visit our website at
www.nfb.org/scholarships<http://www.nfb.org/scholarships> to begin your

Remember: applications, along with all necessary documents, must be
submitted no later than March 31, 2018. Do not wait until the end of
February to start gathering additional information and beginning the online

NABS Legislative Toolkit

The NABS Legislative Toolkit is a complete and comprehensive guide for all
blind students to more actively participate in the fight for equal access.
Included are step by step instructions on how to write your personal
testimony, how to approach your university for support, and even how to
hold a legislative workshop with your student division. The Legislative
committee exists to further explain and assist students in their
implementation of the kit. The National Association of Blind Students
Legislative Committee knows that through changing laws, we can change
lives. Join us, use this invaluable tool. Together, through collective
action, we can achieve equality for the blind in the classroom, and beyond.
This toolkit will be up on our web site soon, as well as distributed to
student presidents.

December and February Blog Post


The National Association of Blind Students believes in students taking full
advantage of all the college experiences available to them, regardless of
their blindness. Therefore, we are teaming up with an organization called
MIUSA, that allows blind people to knock down barriers while traveling
abroad. Below, please find a blog from MIUSA, describing the experience our
previous NABS president had traveling to south America. Don't let blindness
be a factor preventing you from traveling to Egypt's pyramids or Ice Land's
volcanos. NABS and MIUSA together can turn your wildest safari dreams into

Catching a wave in the Caribbean. Cruising down the slopes of a volcano.
Zipping through rainforests along a cable. Reading a textbook. When you
think of extreme adventure, one of these is not like the other. Yet what
Sean Whalen discovered while traveling is that, for blind people in
Nicaragua, accessing one of these activities is perceived to be a
near-impossible challenge – and it’s not the one you’d expect. Sean didn’t
know what to expect on his first journey abroad, so he focused on the usual.

“I wondered how easy it would be to get around, what people’s reactions
would be to me, and how different it would be from what I’m used to in the
United States.”

What he discovered in Nicaragua was the travel concerns ended up being much
less of an issue, for which he now admits he may have over prepared.
Instead, he found himself grappling more with the cultural contradictions
he discovered there.

Sean, who is blind, traveled for several weeks with a small group from the
United States to do interviews with organizations working on behalf of
blind people in the country, with government officials, and with blind
school children and their families.

He learned of this opportunity through an alumna of Harvard University’s
Kennedy School of Government, where he was a graduate student. Sean was
looking for a summer internship, and as luck would have it, a Boston-based
non-profit was looking for someone with policy experience to assess its
viability to run programs in Nicaragua.

Before traveling, Sean learned Nicaragua’s constitution provides equal
access to everyone in education, including students with disabilities. The
reality of what he found on the ground was quite different.

Lack of resources contributed to disabled students being pulled out of
school at an early age or left without access to assistive technology. He
also sensed a lack of societal expectation, especially in rural areas, that
a person with a disability can have independence or a professional life.

“I think it has given me a perspective on how important good policy can be
and how also having things on paper that look great won’t necessarily
translate into good outcomes in reality."

People he met in Nicaragua were surprised to see Sean navigating the
community with his cane and to learn that he was a university student with
a career living on his own. Ironically, when he went ziplining, surfing,
hiking or volcano boarding, none of the locals or tour guides seemed too
concerned that he was blind.

“If I went anywhere in the United States to do that, there would be a
safety concern and a big fight just to get to do it like anyone else. But
in Nicaragua, it was, ‘Here’s five dollars’ and ‘Here’s your board.’ It was
strange – it felt really good and in that moment, I thought, ‘You think I
can do this, but you don’t think your son, if he had a disability, could go
to school?’"

As president of the National Association of Blind Students, a division of
the National Federation of the Blind in the United States, Sean is heavily
engaged in working on a volunteer basis on policy issues on the education
of blind people.

This includes a lot of work on access to technology in the classroom,
though on a far different level than what is needed in Nicaragua. Until
this point, he has seen his policy work as domestically focused. His
overseas experience has caused him to question whether that is enough.

“There’s just a far greater need out there, and I wonder what
responsibility I have, do we have, to be aware of that need and to help
when we can. I think I’d have a broader perspective if I’d had the nerve to
go abroad earlier in my life."

After graduation, Sean, who is eager to make up for lost time, headed back
to Nicaragua with the same non-profit for six months and will be seizing
more opportunities to travel and engage in advocacy efforts abroad in the
future. He is currently Director of Strategic Partnerships for ETI, the
nonprofit organization committed to the development of an inclusive society
by transforming the social stigma against disabilities across the globe and
empowering blind youth to be the authors of their futures and change makers
of their societies.


Ellana Crew is a sparkling leader with many great qualities. As one who
grew up in Maryland, her loyalty continues as she is now furthering her
education in Baltimore. Ellana is proud to serve as president of the
Maryland student division and as the co-chair for the Outreach Committee
for our national student division. It’s hard to not mention Ellana’s
contagious attitude and genuine personality. She loves building the
National Federation of the Blind and learning about others’ differences and
identities. Join us in reading this month’s blog post!

I think I can speak for many of us when I say that although we love our
families dearly and are excited for the holidays, the family gatherings of
the season can get just a little bit crazy sometimes. With all of the
traveling, gift shopping, cooking, and everything in between, the winter
months can certainly leave us all feeling a little exhausted and sometimes
stressed. One winter as I traveled home for the Christmas break, I was
preparing for all of these things, but I was not prepared for one thing in
particular that I did not expect to happen that year.

It was 2015 and I was right in the middle of the CORE program at Blind
Industries and Services of Maryland, a structured discovery blindness
training center in—you guessed it—Maryland. It was the first year I would
be going to the Christmas gathering with a cane in my hand, naturally, I
was a little bit nervous. What were my relatives going to say? Would they
treat me any differently?

The time finally came on Christmas day for the whole family to come
together at my grandparents’ house for food, presents, and lots of hugging
and storytelling. When I got there, unfortunately, some of my fears were
confirmed. Even though they had never done so before, even though I had
always been blind, my grandfather was suddenly far more attentive to moving
things out of my way, my grandmother was extra insistent on making my plate
for me, and people seemed to make an extra effort to move around me than
they had in previous years. It was a little disheartening, and really, I
couldn’t understand how my act of using a tool to enhance my own
independence had somehow caused my family to believe I now had less of it.

I began to realize just how little I must have done for myself in the past.
I had started thinking about the fact that, before training, I had never
made my own plate at the family Christmas dinner. My mom would often keep
her hand on my shoulder to help guide me through the house, my grandparents
would get my drinks for me, and I would usually find one place to sit and
avoid walking around very much. But this year was going to be different. I
had spent the last several months learning that I could walk around as
freely as I wanted with my cane, I had gone through several buffet lines at
large meals for 40 and served myself at every one, and I had learned how to
work around obstacles that I found in my path with no problem. I was more
than capable of doing so many other things I had never done before, and I
wanted to show my family what I had learned.

So, when my grandfather insisted on moving things out of my way so that I
could get through the house, I said “oh no, I’m okay. I don’t trip over
things anymore. Let me show you how I use my cane.” And when my grandmother
insisted on making my plate for me, I said “oh, you don’t have to do that.
If you tell me the order of things on the counter, I am able to
independently serve myself.” And instead of sticking to one spot on the
couch and staying there, I decided I would walk around and join
conversations myself this year, using my cane to navigate where I wanted,
when I wanted. I started teaching my family what I was able to do and how I
was able to do it, showing them the things I had learned and the skills I
had gained, and everybody benefited. They appreciated the explanation, and
I appreciated not being fussed over too much.

Simply educating your friends and family can make a world of difference,
and while my family is still learning to adapt to the new me, we are able
to talk openly and honestly about what helps and what doesn’t. I am sure to
let them know that if I do want some help, I will definitely ask them, and
when they see me use my newly acquired skills to do what I need to do, it
helps them understand a little bit more about what blind people are really
capable of.

Committee Updates

If you have ever wanted to get involved with the work the National
Association of Blind Students is doing, this is your chance. We have
recently reorganized our committees and are looking for students with a
passion to work beside us in building the Federation. If you are interested
in joining one or more of our committees, please select the committee(s)
you are most interested in and send an email to the Chair of the committee.
Or, join the conference line at the designated times when it is most
convenient to you. We look forward to working with you to build the
National Federation of the Blind.

Outreach Committee

Chair: Syed Rizvi

The outreach committee is hosting its annual national scholarship call
Sunday, February 25th at 8PM Eastern.

NABS will be fully transitioning from the Facebook profile to the Facebook
page by national convention or when we hit 1,000 followers.

The outreach committee is teaming up with MIUSA, an organization that
enables disabled students to travel abroad.

We are launching a membership program, building recruit databases in all
our affiliates.

Legislative advocacy Committee

Chair: Kenia Flores

The Legislative Advocacy Committee had a productive call after Washington
Seminar under the new leadership to discuss what the committee plans on
focusing on during the next few months. A larger emphasis will be placed on
involving student divisions in legislative efforts. We look forward to
advancing the legislative priorities of the National Federation of the
Blind alongside you in 2018.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee is fast at work preparing for National Convention
and ensuring that profit for NABS does not come from only our members. We
are excited to be selling our annual cook books, as well as launching a new
discount card initiative. Stay tuned!

The National association of Blind Students

  A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind

President, Kathryn Webster

Nabs.president at gmail.com
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