[NFBNJ] NJ State Civil Service Job Opportunities

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Fri Jan 27 17:25:44 UTC 2017

    Greetings to all!
I received the following from Pamela Gaston, NJ CBVI.
Please review and share with others.

We care. We share. We grow. We make a difference
Joe Ruffalo, President 
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey 
973 743 0075
nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Your old car keys can be keys to literacy for the blind.
Donate your unwanted vehicle to us by clicking 
or call 855 659 9314


Subject: NJ State Civil Service Job Opportunities

Please Share This Information With All Job Seekers:


      There are currently 73 open competitive employment opportunities listed on the NJ State Civil Service Commission web site. An Open Competitive Job Announcement is an invitation for the public to compete for existing and future job vacancies in a State, County or Municipal government job title. To better understand the process of obtaining careers for New Jersey’s Public Service please visit the Job Application Process.

      Many of these job opportunities require candidates to take a test but, many of the current listings are “non-classified” or “non-competitive” which means no test is required and you only need to follow the directions on the announcement to apply. The list also includes part-time employment opportunities, for example, Fiscal Assistant, with a work schedule of 2 days per week and a pay rate of up to $16.50 per hour. 

      Special note for high school and college students: The state is currently accepting applications for summer seasonal employment in a variety of positions all over the state. The job announcements are posted.

      The list is updated on a daily basis so job seekers should be encouraged to check the list at least once a week.  Link to the list: http://info.csc.state.nj.us/Vats/JobView.aspx

      Customer Care and Technical Support: If you are have any difficulty with accessing this information or submitting your application online, customer care and technical support are available during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday, excluding holidays and emergency closings. Please Email: OAS.support at csc.state.nj.us or call (609) 292-4144. Please note that application support requests received outside regular business hours on the closing date will not change the application filing deadline so PLEASE FILE EARLY.


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