[NFBNJ] NFBNJ: Spanish Committee Revised minutes April 4 Agenda Wednesday May 2 Conference Call at 8:00 PM

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Wed May 2 11:14:00 UTC 2018

Greetings to all!
Received the revisions for the Spanish Committee.
Minutes from April 4 and agenda for tonight’s call are below.
For additional information pertaining to this committee, please contact Rosa 
Santiago, Chair, Spanish Committee.
201 892 6946
rosa.santiago901 at gmail.com

Tonight’s call information:
Time: 8:00 PM
Dial: 605 468 8005
Code: 460994

Joe Ruffalo, President
973 743 0075
nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Raising Expectations To Live The Life You Want!



Date: April 4, 2018

Time: 8:00 PM

Call in number: 605 468 8005

Conference code: 460994 Pound

Call to order

·         Minutes: The March Minutes were emailed out.

Motion to accept the minutes was made by Bea, and seconded by Jessica.

Roll call

Rosa Santiago, Committee chair

Beatrice Oliveti, Vice chair

Daniel Facchini, Chapter President and fund raiser chair

Zoraida Krell, Social media chair

Evis Trijo, Outreach committee chair

Jessica Scannell

Mario Olivares

Jorge Olivares

Mmargy Gonzalez

Ariel Mina

Trish Ebel: Speaker

·         Quote of the day:

·         Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. – Les 

Quote was briefly discussed.

Evis mentioned that the entire point of this committee is to help others 
become independent as blind people so that they can achieve their dreams.

·         Presidential release:

Presidential release for March and April were still not available at time of 
call. Bea volunteered her time to contact via phone and email, President 
Mark Rickabono to see if we can work to get the releases sooner. She will 
suggest if perhaps herself, Evis or Rosa can translate the Spanish 
presidential release if Gabriel is not able to. She will cc our President 
Joe Ruffalo on the matter.

·         Committee reports:

Evis Trijo, Outreach chair

Evis is waiting for Brian Stack, mayor of West New York, to respond to her 
inquiry on any Spanish speaking individuals who would be interested in our 
committee. She will email him the goals and objectives set out by the 
Spanish committee. Rosa will forward committee email to Evis. Rosa will also 
email to Bea to send to Felix Roque, mayor of Union City.

Zoraida Krell: Social media Committee chair

Zoraida encouraged all present to post pics, videos, comments or any 
encouraging thoughts to motivate members and others who view our online 
posts. Rosa said she will post to the Spanish committee once a week. Others 
chimed in and said they would also post. Rosa will send Z a list of emails 
of those presently on the committee to Zoraida. Rosa also suggested we could 
try to do a weekly video on the things pertaining to the Spanish committee. 
Perhaps a 10 minute video on activities, fund raisers, holiday events, 
motivation and inspiration, etc.

Ariel will see if a video he has on helping the blind can be shared on our 
Facebook group page.

Daniel Facchini: Fund raising Committee chair

Dan reminded all that we are on for our July 14 fundraiser. He has also set 
up another fund raiser for May 12, with Food Bizarre, a Spanish market.

Dan also spoke about Creating a small committee to help with organizing a 
gala event to assist in funding moneys for the Spanish committee. These 
funds  would allow us to assist in contributing to first-time scholarship 
winners for the state convention, national convention, equipment, apps, and 
other methods to encourage blind Spanish people to live the life they want.

Bea and Evis said they can help to network. Rosa said we can also use social 
media to our advantage. This avenue can bring potential sponsors and People 
who could donate prizes, as well as others who would be eager to help fund 
this gala event.

·         New business

News items of interest

1.       Trish Ebel, this months Spanish committee speaker, from Bergen 
county Heightened Independence in Progress (HIP), has joined us on our April 
conference call to discuss the program and its benefits.

Trish explained the program (HIP) in detail and how they assist the 
disabled. There are different training programs available to help blind and 
disabled individuals become independent. This program offers persons with 
limited resources the opportunity to receive equipment such as players for 
listening to books, apps such as the KNFB reader to read printed material, 
and even appliances if needed in order to become more independent as a blind 
or disabled person. The program also does much to help blind or disabled 
individuals become actively involved in yearly events such as picnics, 
holiday parties, and different activities to help them interact with others.

2.       A leadership seminar was held on Saturday, March 24, 2018, at the 
Joseph Con Training Center.

Rosa briefly discussed the one-day NFB seminar and how teams of leaders were 
set up to respond to questions relating to the development of effective 
planning to improve leadership strategies that could assist in creating 
strong and confident leaders tomorrow. She mentioned that it is still 
ongoing and hopefully, it will be successful in bringing in young leaders 
interested in leading the organization. She also said that one of the 
important facets of having this seminar was to allow presidents to give 
other members in their chapters, devisions or committees the opportunity to 
take the lead in conducting the meeting for the day. It would help these 
present leaders to observe the abilities and efficiency of those chosen to 
run the meeting who may have the potential to become great future leaders.

·         Gathering the Flock

Rosa has asked Jessica Scannelle to make phone calls each month, which 
started in April, 2018, to the current members of the Spanish committee. All 
who assist the monthly calls should be encouraged and feel welcome to each 
call. Since everyone attending is important to the growth and success of 
this committee, Rosa has reminded all those in attendance how important it 
is to remember to continue making a special effort to bring a friend so that 
they to, can experience our easy-going and uplifting Spanish committee 
monthly meetings.

·         Round the phone

Brief discussion on the quote.

Bea mentioned how the quote made sense since the Spanish committee is here 
to help others achieve their dreams as we ourselves work to make ours a 

Evis made the motion to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Bea

Meeting was adjourned at 9:59 PM

Minutes Submitted By:

Rosa Santiago, Chair

Spanish Committee



Date:, May 2, 2018

Time: 8:00 PM

Call in number: 605 468 8005

Conference code: 460994 Pound

Call to order

Roll call

·         Quote of the day:

In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our 
consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our 
lives, but what we do consistently. -- Tony Robbins

·         Minutes: April minutes were emailed out.

·         Presidential release:


·         Committee reports:

 Zoraida Krell: Social media Committee chair

Daniel Facchini: Fund raising Committee chair

Evis Trejo: Outreach committee chair

·         Old Business

Are there any discussions on last months minutes? Please consider sharing 
your thoughts during the next conference call.

Reminder to those interested in attending the state convention on November 
1st to the 4th, 2018. Please book your room in advance, even if you are 
still not sure that you will be attending the convention. If you decide at a 
later date That you wish to go to the convention, you may not be able to 
secure a room. So, make sure you call to make your reservations early.

·         New business

News items of interest

1.      Get in to the groove and consider dancing salsa this spring!

If you are interested in learning how to dance basic salsa, than this is the 
class for you. Alma Montuno Latin Dance Studio provides classes to teach 
salsa, and instructors already have experience teaching blind students who 
want to learn to move to the rhythm of this latin cultural music.

2.      Surf the waves and enjoy an awesome time with the Visual Experience 

Coming up this summer once again on August 18, 2018, you will have an 
opportunity to catch the waves with Michael Benson’s nonprofit organization, 
Visual Experience Foundation. If you are interested in signing up for 
surfing this year, please go ahead and register at:


and get your feet wet as you ride the surf. You can also contact Michael 
Benson directly for any questions you may have by emailing him at:

michael at lovevision.org.

3.      An evening of lively songs and acting, and a chance to meet new 

BEYOND THE EYES, INC. Presents Their Annual Spring Gala Concert. All Are 
Cordially Invited. It will be an evening of Song and Praise! The party will 
get started on Thursday, May 31, 2018  - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. , at the Newark 
Public Library, 5 Washington St., Newark, NJ (2nd Floor Centennial Room). 
The event will be overflowing with good food, pleasant company, a creative 
skit and inspirational songs  featuring vocalists and actors who are blind 
and visually impaired. This program is free and open to the general public, 
so please RSVP by or before May 21, 2018. To ensure you have a seat. Please 
contact: James Jasey or Diane Robinson @ 973-763-6308   or by email at: 
jjasey1 at verizon.net

4.  News from Brian Stack, Mayor of West New York.

The mayor has informed me that he has a location available where the Spanish 
committee can meet each month. If the location is convenient for all, he 
says that we can have it right away. We will further discuss during the 

Growing the Flock

Everyone bring one. All who assist the monthly meetings should be encouraged 
to ask a friend to join you on the next Spanish committee conference call. 
We welcome new ones to share in the benefits of learning great information 
during our uplifting and encouraging monthly calls.

·         Round the Phone

Quote discussion.

·         Adjournment


Agenda Submitted By:

Rosa Santiago, Chair

Spanish Committee

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