[NFBNJ] reminder Friends Of The Library Upcoming Meeting

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Wed May 20 00:13:35 UTC 2020

    Greetings to all!
received from Ken Lawrence, President, Friends of the Library.



From: ken lawrence
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 6:13 PM
Hi joe ken lawrence here.  Can you please send out this reminder to all on 
the NFBNJ list.  Message follows.  ****                Hi fello 
federationists and supporters of the NJ talking book and braille center. 
Our semi annual meeting for the friends of the library for the blind is on 
june 6, 2020 at 10:00 AM.  I am encouraging all NFBNJ members to join our 
organization as we are continuing outreach too all the blindness 
organization.  The meeting details are below as is the address to send dews 
we will be meeting via conferencecall of course.  So I welcome all our 
members of NFBNJ to join.  This is the message sent out to our membership. 
****     Hello Friends

This is a friendly reminder that our annual meeting will be by 
tele-conference on Saturday

June 6th at 10 AM.

Please join by calling  605-468-8005  Access code 425 373#

Please note that your annual dues are due now. Individual $10  Family $25.

Please send your check to

Friends of the NJLBH

PO Box 434

Woodbridge, NJ 07095

Thank You           thanks much and looking to have many new members join 
since all of us support and use the library and it’s services.  And of 
course all of us should use newsline.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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