[NFBNJ] Reminder: New WRAP Wellness Groups are Here!

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Thu Sep 24 18:10:19 UTC 2020

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From: Mental Health Association in New Jersey
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:02 PM
To: nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Subject: Reminder: New WRAP Wellness Groups are Here!

      This session can change your life

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                                FREE Support Opportunities
                                Coming Your Way!

                                Learn a process that can change your LIFE! 
Developed in 1997, The Wellness Recovery Action Plan® or WRAP®, is an 
evidence-based, prevention and wellness process that anyone can customize 
and apply to help make life the way they want it to be. It may be used by 
people in all kinds of circumstances, and by health care and mental health 
systems across the globe to address physical, mental health and life issues.

                                “WRAP is like a universal skeleton key that 
can unlock many aspects of wellness in one’s life… learning has always been 
one of whole health wellness and recovery; or recovering our wellness. Our 
focus on Hope, Personal Responsibility, Education, Self Advocacy and Support 
as a foundation for self-directed recovery and the planning process for 
recovering our wellness encompasses our minds, body and souls.”
                                ---Matthew Federici, Executive Director of 
Copeland Center

                                Weekly Schedule
                                Most groups will be run “drop-in” style. You 
may attend any group as desired unless specific requirements are listed.

                                Everyday WRAP
                                Mondays, 4 p.m. -- 5 p.m.
                                a.. The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) 
is a great wellness tool that can be used by all. Everyday WRAP focuses on 
using the key Recovery concepts, Values and Ethics, and Wellness Recovery 
action Planning to maintain our wellness and live our best lives. We also 
discuss how current events can affect our wellness on a day to day basis. In 
this open forum, you can share, ask questions and get support.
                                b.. Join Zoom Meeting: 
                                c.. Meeting ID: 852 0378 3870 Phone Number: 

                                WRAP for Peer Recovery Specialists
                                Tuesdays, 10 a.m. -- 11 am.
                                a.. The WRAP for Peer Recovery Specialists 
support group will focus on utilizing WRAP for ourselves as people in 
recovery from addiction and how that applies to our work as Peer Recovery 
Specialists Materials for this group come primarily from the book, Wellness 
Recovery Action Plan for Addictions: Finding Freedom from Unwanted Patterns.
                                b.. Please Note: This group is only open to 
those working as peers in Addictions or Co-Occurring Settings.
                                c.. Join Zoom Meeting: 
                                d.. Meeting ID: 897 2229 7938 Phone Number: 

                                Wellness Tool Wednesday
                                Wednesdays, 3 p.m. -- 4 p.m.
                                a.. Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is 
a great support for individuals to maintain their wellness. Much of the WRAP 
philosophy is rooted in identifying wellness tools, simple, safe, 
noninvasive, low cost elements you can do to stay well. In this group we 
will share wellness tools recommended by Mary Ellen Copeland and encourage 
participants to share their favorite wellness tools too!
                                b.. Join Zoom Meeting: 
                                c.. Meeting ID: 836 6330 1399 Phone Number: 

                                WRAP for College Students and Young Adults 
(Ages 18-24)
                                Wednesdays, 4 p.m. -- 5 p.m.
                                a.. Transitioning into adulthood and heading 
off to college can be an exciting but stressful time in one’s life. This 
group is designed to provide support and education on how to maintain a 
wellness lifestyle while juggling classes, work, and various other 
responsibilities that come with adulthood. This group will be framed around 
the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) and we will use to WRAP guide our 
discussions each week.
                                b.. Join Zoom Meeting: 
                                c.. Meeting ID: 886 6595 5070 Phone Number: 

                                Wellness Planning for Returning to Work
                                Thursdays, 1 p.m. -- 2 p.m.
                                a.. This group will provide an overview of 
how to approach wellness while looking for work and integrating back into 
the workforce. It will offer tools to help maintain wellness while looking 
for work and what wellness looks like when you obtain employment. 
Participants will explore, through interactive conversation, how individual 
wellness can introduce a culture of wellness into their life, as well as 
their job search.
                                b.. Join Zoom Meeting: 
                                c.. Meeting ID: 829 0499 2743 Phone Number: 

                                View all WRAP events here!

                                Questions? Please contact the WRAP team at 
wrap at mhanj.org.

                                Here at the Mental Health Association New 
Jersey we take pride in following the evidence-based practice of Wellness 
Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). We work hard to use the WRAP Values and Ethics 
and stay connected and trained through the Copeland Center for Wellness and 

                                Check out Other Consumer Connections Events 

                                STAY CONNECTED

                                 ‌  ‌  ‌

                  Mental Health Association in New Jersey | 673 Morris Ave., 
Suite 100, Springfield, NJ 07081
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