[NFBNJ] Week of May 18, 2022, President Riccobono's Notebook, National Items of Interest and Dates to Keep in Mind

Linda Melendez president at nfbnj.org
Thu May 19 16:17:01 UTC 2022

*President’s Notebook*
*National Federation of the Blind*
*Mark A. Riccobono*
*officeofthepresident at nfb.org <officeofthepresident at nfb.org>*

Dear Federation Family,

We are into the final two weeks of online convention registration. This
means the convention will be here before we know it. All things at the
national office are starting to be fully focused on the convention. I hope
you have made your plans to be with us.
Critical Convention Actions:
Convention Registration and Hotels:

Time is running out! Just two weeks left to register online for the
convention and to book your hotel room. You can register to attend the
convention in person and purchase your banquet tickets at
https://nfb.org/registration until May 31. Prices go up if you wait until
you arrive in New Orleans. And don’t wait any longer to make your
reservations. Space at the Marriott has filled up but there are still rooms
available at the convention rate right across the street at the New Orleans
Sheraton. Call 888-627-7033 and ask to book a room for the “NFB
Convention.” Please note that this is a different number than originally
published in the *Braille Monitor*. The convention rate and our room block
disappear after May 31, so don’t delay!
Share Feedback—Help Track the PAC Survey:

Whether you donate to the National Federation of the Blind through the
Pre-Authorized Contribution (PAC) Program or not, your feedback is needed
to help improve the program for the organized blind movement. Please
complete the five-minute survey and share it with members and supporters. Take
the PAC survey now online <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/nfb-pac> or by
phone. To complete the survey by phone, call 229-632-7878 or toll-free
833-632-7878. Please note that the phone number provides the survey in an
automated system and will require the survey to be completed in one
session. There is an option to pause the survey for five minutes and the
pause can be extended as needed. Push # for help.
Congratulations to the 2022 Scholarship Program Finalists!:

Each year the National Federation of the Blind is proud to honor blind
scholars, all of whom are raising expectations and expanding possibilities.
On May 12, we announced the 2022 scholarship finalists. The scholarship
program provides financial assistance and connects students with mentoring
and other resources. Meet the finalists and learn about their vocational
Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R. 4853):

Thanks to your calls and emails, we gained four new cosponsors last week on
the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R. 4853). They are Grace
Napolitano (CA-32), Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-At Large), James McGovern
(MA-02), and Al Lawson (FL-05). These representatives bring our total
number of cosponsors up to 53. Well done!
Access Barriers in UC Berkeley’s Free Online Content:

In alignment with its 2016 Letter of Findings, the DOJ is interested in
speaking with individuals with disabilities who have experienced barriers
in accessing UC Berkeley’s free online content—its YouTube channel, iTunes
U platform, and massive open online courses (MOOCs) referred to in the
letter as UC BerkeleyX. Please email UC.Berkeley at usdoj.gov, with a copy to
legal at nfb.org, to share your experience with the DOJ and request a copy of
the Letter of Findings.
Mark Riccobono Keynote Speaker for ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium:

On Monday, May 16, President Riccobono was the keynote speaker for the ICT
Accessibility Testing Symposium, and he discussed the Blind Driver
Challenge—its impact on technology, accessibility, and new possibilities
for independence. Review and share the symposium keynote speech that is
available on YouTube <https://youtu.be/mEmwW5duQhs?t=1740>.
Upcoming June Presidential Release:

The next Presidential Release will take place Wednesday, June 1, at 8:00
p.m., eastern. The monthly Presidential Release provides important updates
and perspectives of the organized blind movement, and the live event
includes a Q&A session. Submit questions in advance to cdanielsen at nfb.org and
put PR517 in the subject line, or call 410-659-9314, extension 2473. Zoom
details coming soon.
Submit an Article for the *Braille Monitor*—No Experience Needed:

The National Federation of the Blind is seeking articles for the *Braille
Monitor* that focus on your lived experiences. Share a blind moment or a
strategy that other blind people should know about. To learn more or submit
an article, connect with Gary Wunder, *Braille Monitor* editor, at
gwunder at nfb.org*.*
Dates to Keep in Mind: (all times eastern)

   - May 31: Convention registration
   <https://nfb.org/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=479> closes
   - June 1: Presidential Release
   - June 6: Resolutions are due to the committee chair
   - June 21: Convention career fair registration closes
   - July 5-10: 2022 National Convention
   <https://nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention>, New Orleans
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