[Nfbo-linn-benton] State Convention financial assistance

Kristen Jocums kjocums at icloud.com
Sat Sep 26 22:31:27 UTC 2015

Greeting Linn-Benton Chapter Members,


We are pleased to announce that our Chapter has authorized the use of some
funds to assist individuals with the cost of attending State Convention.  If
you would like to attend State Convention but have not started making plans
to attend because of the cost involved, please contact either myself or our
Treasurer, John Gardner, to apply for assistance.  Please let us know how
much assistance you need and for which expenses - hotel, transportation or
meals.  Please email us    by October 3rd, off-list so your request is
private,  at:


John.gardner at viewplus.com or

kjocums at icloud.com



Decisions about financial assistance will be made and communicated in early


Kristen Jocums

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